Via Wellness Mama: Ear Infection Natural Remedies

As a mom, few things in life are more difficult than seeing your child suffer, and ear infections can be a very painful part of childhood for some kids.

As a child, I had recurring ear infections and several rounds of tubes. Even though I haven’t had one since I was about 5, I still vividly remember the pain of my ear infections (even more so than the pain of Strep throat and other illnesses I had).

Thankfully, my own children have largely avoided most childhood illnesses, (maybe because of our diet?) but we have had two cases of ear infections (with five kids 8 and under, I’m not complaining at all!). Even so, it is difficult to watch a little one suffer, and I completely understand the impulse to run to the doctor to get immediate relief. Unfortunately, it isn’t always that easy.

What Causes Ear Infections?

When my first son got an ear infection when he was a few months old, I took him to our family doctor for relief. Ear infections are the second most common childhood illness and they can be serious if they don’t resolve, so I wanted to be proactive. Both of my parents have hearing loss, so I wanted to be especially careful to protect his eardrums.

To my surprise, our doctor suggested warm compresses, extra nursing, a few drops of breastmilk in the ear and extra sleep for a few days before trying anything stronger. He explained that not every ear infection needs antibiotics. In fact, he said most resolve on their own with proper support and the overuse of antibiotics can actually cause bigger problems for the child (and for society) later on as bacteria become increasingly resistant to them.

In hindsight, I am so grateful for a doctor who took this approach and spent the time educating me. We moved to a new town since then, so when our other child was struck with an ear infection last year, I didn’t have that doctor’s sage advice. This time, the child wasn’t nursing so breastmilk wasn’t an option. The local doc couldn’t even get us in for a few days. I considered urgent care but decided to research and try some natural remedies for a day unless things got worse.

In researching, I found that not every ear ache is caused by an infection and that sometimes they can be a sign of teething or allergies. I also found that many times, a virus and not bacteria is to blame for the infection, so antibiotics wouldn’t be effective anyway.

Some sources I read also suggested that recurring ear infections can be a sign of a food allergy or gut imbalance. This made a lot of sense to me as I was on antibiotics constantly as a child, had many ear infections, and later found out I was intolerant to several foods.

Ear infections can be caused by swimming, something lodged in the ear, or other external factors.

When Medical Care is Needed

New guidelines from the AAP recommend a more conservative approach to ear infection treatment for doctors (source) and provide warning signs for parents. They recommend taking a child in if:

  • The child has dizziness, hearing loss or increasing pain
  • The child has a fever of over 102
  • Child experiences any redness, swelling or loss of movement around the sore ear
  • An object is lodged in the ear
  • You suspect that the eardrum has burst
  • Symptoms do not lessen within 48 hours

A “wait and see” approach is often recommended if:

  • A child over 6 months has pain in one ear and a fever of less than 102
  • A child over two years has pain in both ears and a fever of less than 102
  • The pain seems to be lessening and none of the other warning factors are present

Ear Infection Natural Remedies

For our child, we fell in the “wait and see” category, so I didn’t take him in immediately but wanted to find ways to comfort him and help his body recover quickly.

After researching many remedies (including the uncommon remedy of using urine in the ear) we settled on these natural remedies and he was pain free within 24 hours:

Important: I only felt comfortable putting these remedies on/around his ear because we were able to verify with an otoscope that his eardrum had not ruptured. I would never put anything in or around the ear if I suspected the ear drum had ruptured

Elderberry Syrup

A natural remedy I always have on hand, especially in the winter, to ward off illness. Elderberry syrup has naturally antiviral properties that may help speed recovery from ear infections and it is an easy one to get the kids to take because it is delicious!

Warm Compresses

I found that the pain of the ear infection could be lessened by a warm compress. We tried a hot water bottle, a rice heating pack, and a warm, wet wash cloth and both seemed to work well. He preferred the wash cloth so I added some soothing dried chamomile and rosemary to the water for an extra boost and changed the wash cloth out frequently to keep it warm.

Garlic Poultices or Oil

This seemed to be the most effective remedy, as our son fell asleep really quickly after we started this and slept through the night. He woke up feeling much better.

Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and antiviral but it can be too harsh for a child’s skin when used alone. To remedy this, I sliced some garlic and placed the slices between four sheets of gauze (two on each side of the garlic). I sewed the edges shut (taping it would have been easier) and used a bandana tied around his head to secure it.

The gauze kept the garlic from touching his skin directly but was porous enough to let the beneficial properties of the garlic get into the ear.

We repeated this treatment the next night to be safe but he was symptom free after the first night. I’ve also heard of using onions in the same way, but I had garlic on hand so I used it.

An Amish friend swears by this remedy for more than just ear aches. If any of her children get sick, she makes similar poultices of garlic and onion and places on the feet, inside socks, during sleep. She said it hasn’t failed her yet. I’ve only tried once and it was really effective for my cold.

I also now keep garlic oil on hand for use if any of the kids start to complain of itching or pain in the ear and we’ve avoided ear infections since starting this.

Lots of Fluids and Broth

Just as with an illness or infection, it is important to keep the body hydrated and supported nutritionally. Homemade bone broth is an easy way to accomplish this.

We almost always have some broth in the fridge or on the stove, but I keep some in the freezer as well for use during illness.

Ever dealt with an ear infection naturally? What remedies did you use?

Via Healthline: Home Remedies for Bee Stings

What happens when a bee stings you?

Fast facts

  1. Honeybees are the only type of bee that die after they sting.
  2. When a bee stings you, it leaves a behind a venomous toxin that can cause pain and other symptoms.
  3. Most bee stings can be treated at home.

For most people, a bee sting is just a nuisance. You may experience temporary sharp pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and itching at the sting site, but no serious complications. If you’re allergic to bees, or you get stung multiple times, bee stings can be more problematic. They can even be life-threatening.

When a honeybee stings you, its stinger is released into your skin. This ultimately kills the honeybee. Honeybees are the only type of bee that die after they sting. Wasps and other species don’t lose their stingers. They may sting you more than once.

If a bee stings you, it leaves a behind a venomous toxin that can cause pain and other symptoms. Some people are allergic to this toxin. Mild allergic reactions may cause extreme redness and increased swelling at the sting site.

Severe allergic reactions may cause:

  • hives
  • pale skin
  • severe itching
  • swelling of the tongue and throat
  • difficulty breathing
  • rapid pulse
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • loss of consciousness

If you have any signs of a severe reaction to a bee sting, get emergency help. You may be experiencing anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Home remedies for bee stings

Unless you’re allergic to bees or experiencing signs of a severe allergic reaction, you can treat most bee stings at home. If a honeybee stings you, remove the stinger immediately with the edge of your fingernail or the edge of a credit card. This helps curb the amount of toxins released into your skin. Wash the sting site with soap and water. Icing the sting site is the most effective way to reduce venom absorption. It also can also help reduce swelling.

Most home treatments for bee sting symptoms aren’t supported by scientific research. Yet they’ve been passed down for generations. These home remedies may help relieve bee sting symptoms:


Honey may help with wound healing, pain, and itching. To treat bee stings with honey, apply a small amount to the affected area. Cover with a loose bandage and leave on for up to an hour.

Baking soda

A paste made of baking soda and water can help neutralize bee venom to reduce pain, itching, and swelling. Apply a thick layer of baking soda paste to the affected area. Cover the paste with a bandage. Leave on for at least 15 minutes and re-apply as needed.

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar may also help neutralize bee venom. Soak the sting site in a basin of apple cider vinegar for at least 15 minutes. You can also soak a bandage or cloth in the vinegar and then apply it to the sting site.


It’s unclear why toothpaste can help bee stings. Some people claim that alkaline toothpaste neutralizes acidic honeybee venom. If true, however, toothpaste won’t work on alkaline wasp venom. Either way, toothpaste is an inexpensive and easy home remedy to try. Simply dab a bit on the affected area.

Meat tenderizer

An enzyme in meat tenderizer called papain is also believed to help break down the protein that causes pain and itching. To treat a bee sting this way, make a solution of one-part meat tenderizer and four-parts water. Apply to the sting site for up to 30 minutes.

Wet aspirin tablet

A popular home remedy for reducing the pain and swelling of a bee sting is to apply a wet aspirin or aspirin paste to the sting site. Results of one 2003 study showed that applying aspirin topically to bee stings or wasp stings actually increased redness and didn’t decrease the duration of swelling or pain compared to using ice alone.

Herbs and oils

These herbs have wound-healing properties and may help relieve symptoms of a bee sting:

  • Aloe vera is known for soothing the skin and relieving pain. If you have an aloe vera plant, break off a leaf and squeeze the gel directly onto the affected area.
  • Calendula cream is an antiseptic used to heal minor wounds and ease skin irritation. Apply the cream directly to the sting site and cover with a bandage.
  • Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory abilities and can help relieve swelling. Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil, such a coconut or olive oil. Dab a few drops of the mixture onto the sting site.
  • Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and may ease bee sting pain. Mix with a carrier oil and apply a drop to the sting site.
  • Witch hazel is a tried-and-true herbal remedy for insect bites and bee stings. It can help reduce inflammation, pain, and itching. Apply witch hazel directly to the bee sting as needed.

Traditional treatments for bee stings

Bee stings are traditionally treated with ice or cold compresses to help reduce pain and swelling. Anti-inflammatories such as Motrin or Advil may also help. You can treat itching and redness with hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion. If itching and swelling are severe, taking an oral antihistamine such as Benadryl may bring relief.

To reduce your risk of infection, don’t scratch the sting site. Scratching can intensify itching, swelling, and redness.

If you’ve had anaphylactic shock after a bee sting in the past, you’ll need to carry an EpiPen with you at all times. If you’re stung again, using the EpiPen may prevent a severe allergic reaction.

When to see a doctor

Most bee stings don’t require a call to your doctor. If you experience any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, hives, or dizziness, call your local emergency services. Don’t attempt to drive yourself to the emergency room.

If you used your EpiPen in response to the sting, you should see your doctor. Seek emergency help if you’ve been stung multiple times. Call your doctor if your bee sting symptoms don’t improve after a few days.

The bottom line

Bee stings can be painful, whether you’re allergic to bees or not. If a bee stings you, try to remain calm. Chances are you’ll be just fine. Bee allergies can occur at any time in your life, even if you’ve been stung before and not had an allergic reaction. It’s important to take note of your symptoms.

If you know you’ll be spending time outdoors, take these steps to reduce your risk of a bee sting:

  • Don’t walk around barefoot outside.
  • Leave beehives alone.
  • Don’t wear sweet-smelling perfume, hair products, or body products.
  • Don’t wear bright colors or clothes with flowery prints.
  • Cover your food.
  • Don’t drive with your windows down.
  • Don’t drink from open soda cans.
  • Stay away from uncovered garbage cans.

It is that time of the year when every child is down with cough, flu, and fever. If your child is suffering from the same problems due to the weather change, we are sure that you are in search of great flu remedies for kids.

Flu Symptoms: When You Should Call a Doctor

Get in touch with your child’s pediatrician if they suffer from the following symptoms for more than a week:

  • They have trouble breathing
  • They have earache
  • They have high fever
  • They are vomiting that generally starts after coughing
  • They have sinus or tonsils


Flu Remedies for Kids

Tips To Treat Flu and Improve Health

There are so many viruses that can cause flu in children. In order to make sure that your child recovers their health, you can use the following home remedies:

  • Make sure that the child gets ample rest and uses their energy on getting well
  • Make them drink a lot of hot beverages because that will loosen the mucus and will keep them hydrated.
  • Use a humidifier by placing one in your child’s room. It helps in keeping the air moist and helps with the chest congestion.
  • If the cough is persistent, take your child to the pediatrician.
  • Make them gargle with warm water so that they feel better.
  • Give them pain relieving medicines like ibuprofen after consulting the doctor


Natural Remedies

There are a number of natural flu remedies for kids that you can use to help them with the flu.

    • You need to make sure that they are well hydrated and this you can only accomplish by giving them water at regular intervals. Dehydration can cause a number of problems in children, and can raise their temperature. Look out for signs of dehydration that include no tetras, dry lips, infrequent urination, and dry skin. If you have an infant, you should breastfeed them more often to make sure that they are well hydrated and are getting all the important nutrients.


      • Make sure that you clear your child’s stuffed nose by breaking down the mucus. Nasal sprays aren’t recommended for really young children, so you can use a cool-mist humidifier. Another great option is to blow out with the help of a bulb syringe, right before bed.


    • If your child is over a year old, you can give them honey instead of medicine as it has anti bacterial properties.


    • Your child needs to rest in order to recover faster. Make sure that they are comfortable and run them lukewarm baths before they go to sleep. If its winter time, make sure the room is warm.


      • If nothing works and the health refuses to improve, you need to take the child to the doctor. Ask them about the precautions that you can take once your child’s health improves.


In conclusion, these are some of the flu remedies for kids that you can use.

                                                                            Dry Cough Remedies for Kids

Is your child a victim of the weather change? Are you in search of dry cough remedies for kids? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you have come to the right place, because this article will talk about how you can treat the cough and improve your child’s health.

What Causes Cough?

Before we discuss anything, you need to know what is causing your child to cough. Children usually cough when their windpipe is irritated and this happens when they are making a lot of phlegm and mucus. Cough can also be a symptom of respiratory infection and is reflex action that is used to move irritating particles from the wind pipe. You would see that your child coughs more when they are lying down because the mucus is accumulated at the back of the throat.

Types of Coughs

There are four types of coughs, and you need to know about them so that you can learn what is affecting your child’s health.

  • Croup cough
  • Dry cough
  • Wet cough
  • Whooping cough

Croup Cough

It is a harsh dry cough that is usually caused by viral infections.

Dry Cough

It is caused by an infection such as a cold or flu.

Wet Cough

In this type of cough, mucus is found in the lungs and in the windpipe and is caused by fluid secretions.

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is when the child gasps for breath after coughing.

Complications of Coughs

Coughing too much affects our health, which is why it is important you look for dry cough remedies for kids. Get in touch with doctor if any of the following points are applicable in your case:

  • You child is younger than one month
  • They show signs of breathing disorders
  •  They are coughing up blood
  •  They turn blue while coughing
  • They are having coughing spasms
  •  They have sinus infection
  •  They have chest pain
  • They have high fever
  • They have persistent cough that lasts for more than three weeks

Treatment for Coughs

Here are some dry cough remedies for kids that you can use:

  • Make sure that your child is drinking enough water because that will prevent the mucus from thickening
  • Give them hot beverages to drink.
  • Make sure that they inhale humidified air which you can do by keeping a damp towel in their room or keeping a bowl of hot steaming water.
  • Help them to inhale cool air as that will soothe the irritated wind pipe.
  • Give them over the counter medicine.
  • Get them vaccinated so that their immune system is strong.

Opt For Natural Remedies

One great way to take care of your child is to use natural ingredients. Some of the things that will help your child out are:

  • Anise Seed
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Chicken Soup
  • Ginger
  • Herbal Cough Syrup
  • Herbal Tea
  • Honey
  • Lemon Juice
  • Steam
  • Suction Bulb
  • Vapour Rub
  • Warm Saline Water