Via Mum Junction: Bedwetting In Children: Causes And Home Remedies

Priya was washing the sheets she took off from her son’s bed. He wet his bed last night, “again!” she thought angrily. It was the fifth time this month and Piyush was nine years old! He should have learned by now that it is not okay to wet his bed at night. Besides being angry, Priya was worried too. What if he continues to have this problem?

The thought was terrifying!

Bedwetting in children aged five years or less is common. But if it continues beyond that age, then intervention becomes necessary. MomJunction tells you everything about this problem, right from its causes to treatment options and prevention.

Why Do Kids Wet The Bed?

There are many reasons. But should you be worried about your child wetting the bed? Maybe or maybe not. Keep reading to find out why some children wet the bed.

Types Of Bedwetting

To understand what causes the leak, you need to first know about the types of bedwetting.

Bedwetting can be primary or secondary. The condition is primary if the childhood bedwetting continues without a break. So, if your seven-year-old boy or girl has been wetting the bed since their babyhood without a significant break, then it is primary bedwetting. But if the child has not had a bedwetting incident for a considerable time, at least six months, and then restarts the habit, it is secondary bedwetting.

Causes Of Primary Bedwetting In Children

Bedwetting is a common phenomenon in infants and babies. Usually, most kids outgrow this habit by the time they are three. Others get over it by the time they are five. And some children may continue to wet the bed even when they are in the primary school. The chances are that they aren’t the only ones in the class with the problem.

A few kids continue to have this habit even after seven years, which is then a concern. Primary bedwetting can occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Maturation delay is the most common cause of primary bedwetting. Generally, the body develops the necessary bladder control, allowing the kids to wake up when they need to pee. But some children don’t have the control and are unable to hold the urine all night, resulting in bedwetting.
  2. Deep sleep is another reason why the child is not able to wake up to pee. Kids who sleep very deeply sometimes miss the brain’s signal that the bladder is full and end up wetting the bed.
  3. Poor bathroom habits during daytime can be one of the main reasons for bedwetting. Children are so busy playing that they put off peeing to “later,” which can create a need to urinate often at night.
  4. The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents the body from creating excess urine at night. If the child’s body is not producing enough of this hormone, then it produces more urine at night. Combined with the lack of bladder control, this can lead to bedwetting in older children.
  5. Structural abnormality or anatomical anomalies can also result in bedwetting in children.
  6. Sometimes, genetics can be the reason for bedwetting. According to research, in families where both the parents had nocturnal enuresis (involuntary urination), 44% children are likely to develop the problem. Even if neither parent had the problem, 14% children develop a bedwetting problem。

Bedwetting is no one’s fault. There is no point blaming the kid or scolding them for what they did as that might only add to the stress and make the situation worse.

Causes Of Secondary Bedwetting In Older Children And Teens

Bedwetting, as a problem, is not just limited to young kids. As embarrassing as it may be, the problem is seen in some teenagers as well. Reasons include:

  1. Some children and even adults have small bladders, which makes it difficult for them to hold even a normal amount of urine. Muscle spasms are another reason why a teen may not have bladder control.
  2. Teenagers go through a lot of hormonal changes, which could affect their ADH levels. This can result in increased production of urine when they are sleeping.
  3. Secondary bedwetting, more often than not, is the result of an underlying medical condition. Medical problems such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, and constipation can increase the number of times the child has to urinate during the day and night.
  4. Psychological problems such as anxiety and stress can sometimes trigger secondary bedwetting in adolescents. If not dealt with early on, it could become a difficult habit. As bedwetting, in turn, causes stress, blaming or reprimanding the child may only worsen the situation.
  5. Caffeine intake can also increase the need to pee. If your kids have caffeinated drinks before going to bed, chances are they’ll end up with a full bladder before the night is over.
  6. Abnormalities in the nervous system may cause neurological problems that may have enuresis as a side effect.

So, how to stop bedwetting in older children?

The first step is to visit a pediatrician to find out why your child is wetting the bed. It may not be easy to pinpoint the cause of bedwetting without a proper diagnosis.

Diagnosis Of Bedwetting

Diagnosis includes a physical examination, after which your pediatrician may ask you about the child’s medical history to rule out conditions such as constipation, diabetes, or urinary tract infections. Also, they will ask you about the child’s history of bedwetting to figure out if it is primary or secondary.

If the diagnosis is not clear, the doctor may recommend a urinalysis to test the urine for any signs of infection or disease.

Bedwetting Treatment

Luckily for you, there are different treatment options available for the problem.

Depending on the cause of enuresis, the doctors may prescribe a treatment that involves medication, counseling and lifestyle and diet changes. Medication includes Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP), which is used to treat the symptoms of the condition. The doctor may also prescribe anticholinergic drugs that help increase the bladder capacity by preventing bladder contractions.

In some rare cases, doctors may also prescribe Imipramine, an antidepressant that is effective in preventing bedwetting.

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Bedwetting In Kids

Dealing with bedwetting day in and day out can be frustrating. Worse is that your child may be too embarrassed to talk about it and end up tormenting himself. Besides getting the right treatment, you can also try these simple changes in the child’s lifestyle to prevent nocturnal enuresis in children. These tips and tricks will not completely cure bedwetting but will help the child deal with it.

  1. Reduce liquid intake during the second half of the day. Let the child drink more water during the day and minimize it during the evening and night.
  2. Avoid giving the child any bladder irritants such as caffeine, which may be present in cocoa or chocolate drinks, at night. Also avoid citrus juices, sweeteners, and artificially flavored drinks like sodas.
  3. If your child’s daytime bathroom habits are erratic, schedule the breaks through the. Yes, he will say that he “doesn’t have to go”. But encourage him to stick to the schedule. Make sure he goes to the bathroom at least twice within two hours before going to bed.
  4. Keep the kid hydrated to prevent excessive thirst. Keep a water bottle handy for him to sip water whenever he is thirsty.
  5. Avoid waking up the child in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, for that may not help you in the long run. Also, this can make the kid cranky due to sleeplessness.
  6. Talk to the kids – have an open discussion about the problem. Brainstorm together and ask them to come up with solutions that can work.
  7. Encourage any progress that the child makes, but not punish for not making any.
  8. Positive thoughts and reassuring themselves can be helpful for older kids and teens dealing with bedwetting problems.

Medication and lifestyle changes apart, bedwetting alarms are considered one of the most efficient treatments.

Home Remedies For Bedwetting In Kids

You can help your child address the problem with some effort made at home. Here are a few herbal home remedies and exercises you can try:

1. Massage

Massaging the lower abdomen with olive oil can prevent involuntary flexing of the pelvic muscles that result in bedwetting.

  • Warm the olive oil a little.
  • Massage the lower abdomen with the warm oil to strengthen the urinary tract muscles and the bladder to improve bladder control.
  • Massage every day for best results.

2. Bladder exercises

Delay in bladder maturation is one of the most common reasons for bedwetting in children. A few exercises strengthen the muscles of the urinary tract and stretch them to prevent bladder contraction. Here are a few exercises that help in tightening the pelvic muscles and preventing involuntary reflexes.

  • A standard practice recommended by doctors is not to pee when they have the urge for it. Holding it for 10-20 minutes longer can help expand the bladder and improve control.
  • Another kegel exercise is to hold and squeeze a small ball (the size of a fist) between the thighs (just above the knees). This will strengthen the pelvic muscles.
  • Drink more water to exercise the bladder and expand it.

Try these exercises at least twice a day to make the pelvic muscles stronger and improve bladder control.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has antioxidant properties and also keeps away diabetes. So, if the bedwetting is caused due to a bacterial infection or diabetes, a dose of cinnamon every day can help.

  • Give the child a piece of cinnamon to chew, every day.
  • You could also use cinnamon powder as topping on milk, desserts or bread.

4. Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is known to suppress urination. Giving your child a small glass of cranberry juice before he goes to bed can be a good idea.

5. Walnuts and raisins

Dry fruits are good for health, but walnuts and raisins together can reduce the frequency of bedwetting in children. Give the kid a light snack of three almonds and two raisins before he goes to bed. Repeat this every day until there is significant progress, and the dry spells are longer.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, one of which is to reduce the acidic levels in the tummy, which could irritate the bowel and lead to bedwetting.

  • Apple cider vinegar is acidic, so dilute one spoon of it with a glass of water.
  • You can add honey to make it less bitter.

Give this to the child once or twice a day, preferably with a meal.

7. Indian gooseberry

Indian gooseberries are an effective Ayurvedic remedy that you can try to prevent bedwetting.

  • De-seed the gooseberries and chop them into small pieces.
  • Ground the chopped gooseberries and add honey to the mixture.
  • Add a little bit of turmeric and mix it well.

Give one spoon of this once every morning.

8. Honey

Honey is hygroscopic, which means it can absorb the moisture or liquid and hold it. Therefore, it can help the child hold a full bladder until the morning. Give one small teaspoon of honey for a younger kid and one tablespoon if he is a teen.

9. Jaggery

Jaggery increases your child’s body heat and keeps it warm, thus minimizing the bedwetting problem.

  • You could give the child a glass of warm milk and a piece of jaggery every morning.
  • You can also prepare a treat with roasted sesame seeds and jaggery, combined with a pinch of salt.

Try this for about two months to stop the child’s bedwetting habits. However, be careful not to give the kid too much jaggery as too much body heat is not a good thing either.

10. Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds are recommended to help kids with a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can cause bedwetting in younger children.

  • In half a cup of milk, add half a teaspoon of dry mustard powder (fine).
  • Give it to the child to drink an hour before bed every day.

Bedwetting Facts

Nearly 85% children outgrow the bedwetting habit by the time they turn five. Almost all of them outgrow bedwetting by the time they turn ten. Only 2% continue to wet the bed until they are 15. Here are some more facts about bedwetting that you must know.

  1. Bedwetting is more common in boys than in girls.
  2. The problem usually runs in the family. If either of the parents had a bedwetting problem, the child is likely to have it. Interestingly, they outgrow it at the same age their parents did.
  3. Bedwetting is not deliberate and is not about poor toilet training.
  4. Even if your preschooler has overcome the habit, he or she may wet the bed from time to time.

Bedwetting is a major problem for the child, even though they do not want to talk about it. A majority of growing are embarrassed and need all the support they can get. Yes, it can be painfully frustrating to have to wash soiled clothes and bed linen regularly. But the good thing is that this problem can be dealt with the help of medical treatment, as well as the remedies we discussed above.

How do you handle your child’s bedwetting problems? Talk to us about it here.

Via  The Health Site: 9 home remedies for diarrhoea in children

Diarrhoea in children is a matter of concern for most parents. This is because loose and watery motions do indicate that there is something wrong with your baby’s digestive system, however most times they are due to viral or bacterial infections and settle on their own. While bacterial infections can cause loose and frequent stools throughout the day, a viral infection would lead to watery stools. which can make your child drained out of energy. Medications in either case should be given only after consultation with the paediatrician.

However, there are a host of home remedies you can look for to give your child some instant relief. Here are few remedies that work well in children suffering from diarrhoea:

1. Rice cunjee:

Diarrhoea could also lead to dehydration in children with loss of essential salts and minerals. It is imperative to rehydrate your baby with fluids and other healthy solutions. Rice cunjee stands to be very effective in treating diarrhoea in children. Since the cunjee is rich in starch, it helps counter watery motions and replenishes the body with essential fluids. Here are reasons why you shouldn’t panic over your child’s loose motions.

How to make it:

Take a handful of white or brown rice and boil it in a pan with 500 ml of water, until it is cooked well. Strain the water in a container. To this, add one spoonful of salt and boil it for few more minute. If you wish you can also add more water to it and make the consistency thinner for better intake. Give four to five spoons of this liquid to your child after each motion. Make it a point to give your child this solution throughout the day until the problem settles.

2. Sugar-salt solution:

Your child will lose out on salt and sugar along with the watery stools, which is the prime cause of dehydration. To help the body recover from the loss, a homemade sugar-salt solution works best.

How to make it:

Boil one litre of water and allow it to cool. To this, add one teaspoon of salt and eight teaspoons of sugar. Mix it well so that both the salt and sugar dissolves in the water. This solution stands to be an excellent remedy to prevent dehydration during diarrhoea. However, if you wish, you can also squeeze half a lemon to the solution and make it taste better. Adding lemon will also ensure that your child gets replenished with potassium along with salt and sugar.

3. Boiled potatoes:

Although, having fluids and water during diarrhoea is apt, one cannot ignore the fact that your child needs to eat nutritious food too. With diminished appetite, food plays an important role during recovery. Boiled potatoes during diarrhoea is easy on the stomach and can help your child stay satiated. Starch present in the potatoes help harden the stool and counter diarrhoea. Here are seven health benefits of potatoes you should know about.

How to make it:

Boil one or two medium sized potatoes with its skin in a pan or pressure cook it. Peel the skin of the potato and mash it well. Add few drops of water if necessary with a pinch of salt. Give few spoons of this preparation to your child during meal times. However, avoid force feeding and allow your child to eat as much as she can. Alternatively, a preparation of dal-khichdi with potatoes is an excellent meal combination while countering diarrhoea.

4. Mustard water:

Not many people would like to try this remedy, but mustard water can go a long way in treating diarrhoea. The anti-inflammatory properties of mustard can help soothe the stomach and fight infections to stop the symptoms. Here are 10 health benefits of mustard seeds you should know about.

How to make it:

Take one spoonful of mustard seeds and heat it in a pan. Once the seeds flutter, add water to it and allow it to boil. Drain the water and let it cool. Once the water has cooled down, add a few drops of honey to it and offer the solution to your child. Remember two to three glasses of the solution can help treat diarrhoea at home.

5. Ginger juice:

Ginger has antibacterial properties that help heal internal infections. This is a reason why ginger juice stands to be effective in treating diarrhoea in children. Here are 10 reasons to have ginger tea for good health.

How to make it:

Take half a stalk of ginger and grate it. Add this to 500 ml of water and allow it to boil. Next, drain the water and allow it to cool. Give your child few sips of this water throughout the day. To make it drinkable add few drops of honey to the juice.

6. Herbal tea:

Special kind of herbal teas are known to help ease symptoms of diarrhoea in both young and adults. However, not all children would like to sip herbal tea. Chamomile tea, in particular, due to its anti-inflammatory properties helps fight diarrhoea and other bacterial infections of the stomach.

How to make it:

Take few leaves of the herbal plant and boil it in a pan with 500 ml of water. Next, strain out the tea and add a few drops of honey to it. Offer your child this tea twice a day till the symptoms exist.
Apart from these above mentioned remedies here are a few more things that can help to treat diarrhoea:

7. Lemon juice:

While suffering from diarrhoea, a glass full of lemon juice can help ease the symptoms by neutralising the acids in the stomach and countering bacterial infections. Here is why you should have a glass of lemon juice everyday.

8. Coconut water:

This is an excellent remedy to help your child rehydrate and replenish all lost salts and nutrients along with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Here are top five health benefits of coconut water.


9. Buttermilk:

The good bacteria present in buttermilk or yoghurt help soothe the inner lining of the stomach, fight infection and combat diarrhoea.

Via Parenting Healthy Babies: Home Remedies To Treat Athlete’s Foot In Kids

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection. The name is such because athletes have a chance of getting infected. That does not mean that it can never affect your child. This kind of fungus often grows in moist and warm places. So places near public shower or pool are very likely to be contaminated with that kind of fungus. Walking barefooted on those areas might expose your child to the risk of athlete’s foot.

Athlete’s foot is very common among children who are into sports and swimming. So, for that reason you need to know certain home remedies in order to treat the athlete’s foot of your child.

Signs & Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot

Your child might get really uncomfortable before he/she starts having an athlete’s foot. He/she will have difficulty walking or running. The following are the common symptoms:

  • Bumps of one foot or both
  • Cracked feet
  • Blistered feet
  • Redness and scaling of feet
  • Scaly flakes between the toes
  • Unpleasant odor
  • Rash in the inner part of the feet
  • Raw skin scaling out

If you find these symptoms and signs in your child, then there is a probability that he/she might be suffering from athlete’s foot.

Home Remedies & Precautions

Precautions are always better than cure. That is why it is advisable that you adopt home remedies to treat athlete’s foot in your child. There are certain things you must do to make sure that he/she does not suffer from this dreadful infection. Otherwise, it will cause them a lot of suffering. This is the list of simple things you can do to ensure that your child does not suffer from athlete’s foot:

Washing of Feet

Whenever your child comes back from play or school, make sure that he/she washes the feet. Wash with warm water and soap. Make it into a habit. If he/she is wearing a tight shoe with socks, wash it even more thoroughly. Washing helps to clean the infection away.

Dry the Toes

After washing the feet, make sure that their feet is dried properly. Dry them with a dry and clean towel. Clean the area between the toes, properly. Make sure that the toes are completely dry and no drop of water is left behind.

Let them be Barefoot

Sometimes, during the night, let them walk barefoot in the house. This will allow their feet to breathe. It will dry off any kind of remaining moisture. Feet which can breathe are less likely to suffer from any kind of fungal infection.

Avoid Tight and Synthetic Footwear

Since your child is more susceptible to fungal infection, avoid making them wear tight shoes. Synthetic shoes also make the feet sweat a lot more than regular shoes. This will keep your child’s feet moist all day. Moist feet are more likely to catch the infection. Give them footwear which allows airspace and allows the feet to breathe.

Make them Wear Sandals near Pools

When they are going for a swim, then make them wear sandals instead of closed shoes. Sandals offer much more breathing space than regular shoes. Plus it also helps their feet to dry naturally, without accumulating any kind of moisture, between the toes.

Choose Cotton Socks

Choosing the right kind of sock for your kid is very important. If your child has to wear shows, all day long, then the material of the sock should be such that will absorb the sweat. In that way, it will help your child to keep his/her feet dry. Socks which fail to absorb the moisture tend to create smelly feet and ultimately infections.

Change the Socks often

Ideally you should change your child’s socks every day. However, if it is not possible, change at least thrice a week. This will help them maintain the desired level of hygiene. Socks, even the cotton ones, absorb a lot of moisture, throughout the entire day. In that way the socks themselves get infected with the fungus. So, when the next time your child wears them, his/her feet also get infected. This is a major problem. Wearing a dry and clean pair of socks, everyday, helps to keep athlete’s foot away.

Use Antifungal Powder

There are many antifungal powders available in the market. You should put them in your child’s shoe or sneakers. This will kill any sort of fungus nesting inside your child’s shoes. In this way the chances of infection lessons by a million times. You can change the socks but you cannot change the shoes, ever day. So, in order to keep the shoes protected from the deadly fungus, you must use such powders.

Set the Shoes out in the Sun

On their week off, or on the days when your child is not wearing the shoes, set it out under the sun. This will also help you kill all the germs inside. Sun rays are very effective in killing all kinds of bacteria and fungus. Also you can spray a disinfectant to make sure that the shoes are really freed from the germs. So, in this way, the next day your child wears the shoes, you make sure that they are free from any kind of bacteria or fungus.

Tell them Not to Share Foot wears

Whilst, sharing is a good habit, but sharing foot wear or things of personal use, should be discouraged. Once your child is exchanging personal stuffs like towel or foot wear, the risk of fungal contamination increases. That is because, no matter how much precaution you take, you are then left at the mercy of the sense of hygiene of the other child’s parents.

Keep your Bathroom clean and Dry

This is perhaps the most important precaution that you must take. A moist bathroom will increase the risk of fungal infection in your child’s feet. Use disinfectants and clean your bathroom. Try and make sure that the bathroom floor is clean and dry before your child is using it. In this way you can make sure that he/she is not getting contaminated while they are bathing in their own home.

When to Call the Doctors?

If the situation is already too late and your child is already suffering from the infection, then do visit the doctor. If the rashes increases and the feet swell a doctor visit is must. Sometimes, the infection will also spread to the hands. The doctor will provide you with ointments and lotions which you need to apply, in order to treat athlete’s foot in your kid.

Via The Health Site: 7 home remedies for enlarged adenoids and tonsils in children

Children with a respiratory infection often find it difficult to breathe through the nose and are likely to breathe through the mouth. Especially when asleep, this results in a noisy breathing that so

Children with a respiratory infection often find it difficult to breathe through the nose and are likely to breathe through the mouth. Especially when asleep, this results in a noisy breathing that sounds like snoring, but isn’t. This condition is a result of enlargement of the adenoids – a patch of tissue located high in the throat, at the back of the nasal passage. Sometimes, there may also be a swelling of the tonsils – the two circular lump-like structures in the back portion of the throat.

Both the tonsils and the adenoids work to trap germs entering the body through the nose and mouth. Therefore, when there is an infection, these tissues swell temporarily and cause pain in the throat. While antibiotics may be required to deal with the infection, some natural remedies are useful in reducing the pain and discomfort due to the enlarged adenoids and tonsils.

Salt water gargle

When your child begins complaining of pain in the throat, the first remedy to try is a saltwater gargle prepared by mixing in one tablespoon of salt into a glass of warm water. The high concentration of salt helps to draw out the liquid from the inflamed tissues and this reduces their swelling. As a result of this dehydrated condition, it becomes more difficult for the bacteria to multiply and thrive. Through both these actions, a saltwater gargle can provide relief from the pain of enlarged adenoids and tonsils. However, you must ensure the child is old enough to manage the act of gargling without drinking the saltwater or it may result in vomiting.

Honey and lemon

Honey has antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties; as a result it can help to reduce swelling of the tonsils and adenoids. Take a teaspoon of honey and mix in 2 – 3 drops of lemon juice and make your child consume this about thrice every day for relief from throat pain.


The sulfur-containing compounds in garlic have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. This makes it one of the best natural remedies to deal with infection in the throat. For best results, raw peeled garlic must be crushed, mixed with some honey and lemon juice and consumed. If this unpalatable to the child, you could crush the peeled garlic clove and lightly sauté it in the minimum quantity of ghee.

Warm beverages

When the adenoids and tonsils are swollen, it can be quite painful to swallow anything solid and this is the reason why most kids refuse to eat. Giving them a warm beverage to sip helps to provide them nutrition but it also has a soothing effect on the enlarged tissues in the throat. A mild tea with a little honey, a clear soup, broth, or a few drops of lemon juice and honey in warm water are some of the most soothing natural remedies to deal with enlarged adenoids and tonsils.


Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-oxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. For best results, turmeric powder must be added into a glass of warm milk and drunk just before the child sleeps at night. The turmeric relieves the inflammation and milk has a mild sedative action; in combination, they work to help the child feel comfortable enough to sleep well.


Fenugreek or methiseeds have an anti-inflammatory effect and have traditionally been used in the form of a poultice on the skin to treat localized swellings. For swollen tonsils and adenoids, fenugreek may be made into a gargle by simmering 2 tablespoons of the seeds in about 3 – 4 cups of water. The child can be made to gargle with the liquid after it has cooled down sufficiently.


Basil or tulsi leaves have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory actions. This helps to reduce the swelling of the adenoids and tonsils. Basil is also known to hasten the healing process and this makes it a good natural remedy for throat infections. Take about 10 basil leaves in 1 ½ cups of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and mix in the juice squeezed from one small lemon along with a teaspoon of honey. Make your child drink this mixture about thrice a day for three days to notice a significant reduction in the throat pain.

Along with all these natural remedies, there are other ways to soothe the pain of enlarged adenoids and tonsils in children. Get your child to give up fried, crunchy and spicy foods such as nuts and chips during such times. Givehim or her foods such as baked fruits, boiled and mashed vegetables or cooked oatmeal that are easy to swallow and do not irritate the already inflamed throat.

Photo source: Getty images

Notes from MAma:

This is new! I didn’t know kids suffer from premature greying of hair! But if your kids do, no harm giving it a try! All natural ingredients, no chemical involved!

Via Stylecraze: 5 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Grey Hair In Kids

Is your kid suffering from premature greying of hair? It is very upsetting for the parents, if the child is suffering from this condition. Greying of hair was common among people who belonged to the age group of sixty to seventy years. As time changed, hair aging (greying) started emerging as a problem when the person is in his or her twenties or thirties. But, now kids are facing grey hair problem even at the age of two. The only logical explanation for this problem is the extreme lifestyle changes.

Lack of essential nutrients and failing to have a balanced diet are some of the reasons, which may cause premature greying of hair. As per experts, grey hair in kids can be prevented with certain precautions and remedies.

Home Remedies To Stop Grey Hair In Kids:

If your kid is suffering from premature greying of hair, you have to find out whether it is due to any medical condition. If not, then it can be cured by a few of the following home remedies.

1. Curry Leaves:

Boil curry leaves in oil until they turn black. Massage the oil on the hair. This effectively treats grey hair.

2. Yogurt And Yeast:

Drinking yogurt mixed with one tablespoon of yeast everyday will be a beneficial treatment for grey hair.

3. Amla:

Boil amla pieces in coconut oil and use it on the scalp. You can also soak amla in water overnight. Use the amla water to wash your kid’s hair.

4. Amla And Almond Oil:

Massage a mix of almond and amla oil on the scalp. Leave it overnight before you wash it off. This remedy will help to prevent grey hair of your kid.

5. Cow Milk Butter:

Massage your kid’s scalp twice a week with butter made from cow’s milk. This remedy will help to treat premature aging.

If your kid is suffering from severe grey hair condition, you need to diagnose it. Treat the condition soon to avoid any serious issues.

Cause Of Grey Hair In Kids:

Hair is made of protein and grows out of follicles located within the surface of the skin. The skin gets modified to produce hair. Hair plays an important role in an individual’s physical appearance. And when the hair starts greying, it affects the look of that person. In the case of kids, the condition is even worse. So, what causes the greying of hair in kids, let’s find out.

1. Inheritance:

Inheritance can be the primary reason for grey hair in kids as young as two years old. If there is a family history of an early onset of grey hair, then the kids may suffer from premature greying.

2. Dandruff:

Research shows the correlation between dandruff and grey hair. Even though one does not cause the other, they are interrelated. If the problem of dandruff becomes severe, there is a tendency for the emergence of grey hair.

3. Diseases And Disorders:

Certain disorders like tuberous sclerosis and vitiligo induce loss of hair pigmentation. Along with the signs of hair greying, the affected kids will also start exhibiting signs of seizures, tumors and more.

4. Thyroid:

Thyroid conditions play around with hormones and it is no lesser in kids. Your kid may suffer from grey hair, if she has more thyroid content in her blood.

Do you know any other remedies and causes for treating greying hair in kids? If yes, then do not forget to share them in the comment section below.

Via Parenting Healthy Babies: 11 Natural Remedies To Cure Indigestion In Kids

With little kids to look after, it’s not surprising that one or the other of them will complain of indigestion or diarrhea or any other tummy-related problem. But don’t let an upset tummy disturb your day, because here we present an array of natural remedies that will cure indigestion in your kids soon and effectively. These remedies are time-tested and safe, so don’t worry.

Defining indigestion

This refers to an uncomfortable feeling kids feel in their stomachs, usually after a heavy meal. Clinically, this condition is referred to as dyspepsia. Not really a disease, indigestion is the result of eating something that disagrees with the child, or it could be due to an underlying condition.

Here are 11 natural remedies that cure indigestion in kids:

11 Natural Remedies that cure Indigestion in Kids

1. Pineapples

This is the best cure for indigestion in children. Pineapples have strong acids which help to normalize the bowels and help normal digestion.

2. Lemon juice

Among the safest of all fruits to cure indigestion among kids, lemon juice can get rid of this problem within 48 hours of having a glass of this juice.

3. Ginger

Ginger is well-known to relieve digestion-related problems. It stimulatesthe body’s digestive enzymes, which in turn, stimulate the food’s digestion. If your child has indigestion, slice ginger and sprinkle salt on them. Allow him to chew it after a meal.

4. Mint leaves

Chewing mint leaves helps relieve any stomach problem, including indigestion.This is because it contains peppermint which is volatile and therefore impacts the contraction of the gastrointestinal tract’s smooth muscle. Mint leaves are also excellent in treating stomach pain, irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn.

5. Ginger, lemon and honey

This combination is extremely effective as a remedy for indigestion. In combination with lemon and honey and warm water, it can have a calming effect on your child’s stomach.

6. Coriander

This herb works safely and effectively to cure indigestion in kids. Take two coriander twigs and juice its leaves with half a cup of warm milk. Give this to your child first thing in the morning to drink on an empty stomach and watch the smile spread on his face as he feels better.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

An effective home remedy for indigestion, apple cider vinegar helps a lot with a slow stomach, and is therefore good for getting a child’s digestion back on track. To use it, add a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey to the solution. Let your child drink this a couple of times a day for quick relief.

8. Cumin

Cumin is renowned for solving digestive issues like indigestion, flatulence, nausea and diarrhoea. It is capable of increasing the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that aid digestion. By roasting one teaspoon of cumin seed powder in a glass of water before drinking it, children can find the relief they seek.

9. Herbal Tea

Herbal tea treats indigestion very capably. Children who feel uncomfortable after a heavy meal can drink a little herbal tea to reduce the feeling of indigestion. Especially good in this regard are chamomile and peppermint tea. A teabag in hot water can be perfect to ease this digestive problem.

10. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are very good for curing indigestion as they contain volatile oils that eliminate the problems of flatulence and nausea. The seeds are very effective in getting rid of indigestion due to fatty or spicy food. To use fennel seeds, dry roast, grind and sieve them. Then, take half a teaspoon of the powder and add it to a little water. Let your child drink this twice a day.

11. Fruits

The most natural way of getting rid of indigestion is to give your child a high-fiber fruit to eat. Fiber-rich foods pass easily through the digestive system and stimulates it, thus easing the tension caused. So that kids don’t have this problem often, they should make fruit-eating a part of their daily diet. Fruits such as papaya, bananas, apples, chickoo and pears are wonderful for keeping indigestion at bay.


Parents of little children often worry about what might cause pain to their kids and how to resolve the problem. In the case of indigestion, there are several proven home remedies as outlined above that will do the job successfully.

Via Mom Voyage: Natural Motion Sickness Remedies For Children

For some vacations, driving to your destination is ideal, especially when there’s prime scenery along the way. Unfortunately, there are some kids that just can’t tolerate long rides in the car or van, and motion sickness rears its ugly head. When this happens, there are ways kids can get some relief that don’t necessarily mean popping pills or being drowsy. Here are some natural motion sickness remedies for children.

Limit Their Use of Hand Held Electronics

Instead, have them look out of the car window off into the horizon, maybe even play a game of “I Spy.”

Make Frequent Stops

This may not work well with your plans to get to your destination in a timely manner, but making stops will reduce long periods of time in the car, thus decreasing the length of time that they feel “yucky.”

Drive as Smoothly As Possible

Making a number of turns and causing the kids to sway back and forth, as you can imagine, can make them feel even more horrible.

Travel During Nap Time

If your child is able to close their eyes and fall asleep, they will often feel better, and the trip will go a lot faster (for everyone).

Offer Them Dry Crackers, Like Saltines

This can help settle the child’s stomach. An empty stomach is the absolute worst when it comes to motion sickness. This, along with a carbonated beverage such as ginger ale or lemon-lime soda, sometimes does the trick!

Let in Some Fresh Air

If the weather’s nice, this can be ideal. Even if it’s a little chilly outside, allowing some cool air to hit the face and some fresh air in the lungs can make a kid feel a lot better.

Try Natural Herbs

Ginger: Studies have shown that ingesting crystallized ginger helps to ease discomforts of the stomach. This can be found in most health food stores. Or, as mentioned above, try sipping ginger ale as a motion sickness remedy. Peppermint: This natural plant whether its in the form of tea, oil or candy serves as a great way to alleviate some symptoms of motion sickness.

Breathing Techniques

Taking slow, deep breaths can sometimes help. Have them to also try counting their slow breaths. This does work for some, but if nothing else, it can help reduce anxiety.

If you know your little one is prone to motion sickness, be sure to have at least some of these things on hand before your next road trip adventure. Some of these motion sickness remedies can even be used in advance to hopefully prevent your child’s motion sickness.

Notes from MOMmy:

Is good to save these remedies in case you might need it in the future.

Via Parenting Healthy Babies: 11 Natural Remedies to Treat Warts In Kids

You’ve probably seen some skin growths on either your body or a friend’s. These are warts, benign growths caused by a virus called the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). They are ugly but painless and harmless, though they may itch sometimes. Usually, warts are seen on the complexions of kids rather than adults as they are more liable to catch bacterial infection.

Natural remedies for warts in kids

Medication often cures warts in kids, but there are also several natural remedies that are equally effective.

1. Tea tree oil

This oil contains antiseptic and antiviral properties, making it effective in fighting the HPV virus. The oil prevents the infection from spreading and fungi and bacteria from developing. This reduces the irritation, inflammation and redness associated with warts. Tea tree oil also contains an antimicrobial compound known as Terpinen-4, which attacks the arts-causing virus and prevents them from developing further. Plus, they dry out faster now and fall off.

To use tea tree oil, wash the area surrounding the wart and dab it with the oil. Cover it with bandage and let it remain for about eight hours or overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage and clean the area. Change the bandage every night and repeat the process until the wart disappears or falls off.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is basically acidic and is very effective in getting rid of warts. Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and dab it on the affected area. It also helps to stick the cotton ball to the wart with plaster and keep it on for three hours.

3. Vitamin C

Like apple cider vinegar, Vitamin C too is acidic and is capable of fighting the HPV virus that causes the wart. To use this on a wart, powder a few Vitamin C tablets. Make a paste of it with water and apply it on the wart. Keep the paste on for some time by covering it in bandage. You may initially feel a burning sensation, but it will soon subside. Vitamin C tablets work because they contain high acidity levels that destroy the HPV virus.

4. Banana peel

Banana peel contains antioxidants and strong chemicals that help dissolve warts. Bananas also contain a proteolytic enzyme that erodes the wart until it disappears. Put a banana peel face down on the wart and hold it in place with tape. Keep it on overnight and take it off next morning. Continue this for a few weeks until you see results.

5. Baking soda

Yet another highly acidic substance, baking soda helps fight the HPV virus and get rid of it entirely. To use it on a wart, mix a spoon of baking soda with an equal quantity of white vinegar to make a thick paste. Cover the wart with this paste twice a day. You can also add some castor oil to baking soda and make a small ball of it and press it down on the wart. Close it with a bandage and keep it on overnight. Next morning, remove it and continue these steps for a week or till you see results.

6. Manuka honey

Manuka honey is rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties. It creates a kind of “occlusion therapy”, a technique by which the wart is oxygen-deprived. This makes it easy to remove. To use manuka honey for wart removal, expose the wart with a pumice stone and then lace it with a generous helping of honey. Bandage the wart and let it remain for the next 24 hours. Change the bandage and reapply the honey every day till the wart goes away completely.

7. Milkweed

Milkweed is known to be toxic, since it contains a poison called cardiac glycoside. Despite this, it can be used topically to get rid of warts. It also contains a proteolytic enzyme that helps digest and dissolve the wart.

To use it for wart removal, slough off the top of the wart with a pumice stone so that you expose it a little. Now, extract some milkweed sap from its leaves and apply it to the wart. Let the sap remain on the wart and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this once a day till the wart falls off.

8. Dandelion

Dandelion stem extract has properties that can boost your immune system. Pick a dandelion and break its stem to pour the juice on the wart. This may irritate the wart a little. Try this method only if you have access to organic dandelions and not the ones treated with herbicides or pesticides.

9. Lemongrass essential oil

As you can see, there are a number of essential oils that are great for eliminating warts, and lemongrass essential oil is another one of them. Studies have shown that it can effectively eliminate the herpes simplex type 1 virus, which is the one that causes cold sores, so it’s not all that surprising that it makes an excellent wart treatment as well. While it hasn’t been tested specifically for warts, many find that it is very effective, and it makes a good alternative if you don’t want to experience the burning sensation of oregano essential oil.

10. Hot water soak

If you have warts on your feet, soak them in warm water for about 15 minutes each day. For better results, add some vinegar or Epsom salt. Use an emery board to clean your feet before you soak them in water.

11. Duct tape

Also called tape occlusion, it actually works to get rid of ugly warts. It’s actually effective because it prevents oxygen from reaching the wart, thereby reducing its growth. You can use this technique to remove a wart by following these steps: Take a piece of duct tape that’s the size of a wart. Leave it on for about six days. During this period, if it falls off, start again with another duct tape piece.

After six days, take off the tape and soak the wart in water. Rub the wart’s surface with a pumice stone. Don’t cover the wart with the tape but keep it bare for one day. Next day, repeat the process and continue in this manner till the wart goes away entirely.


Warts may look ugly but there are several home remedies that can get rid of them. Choose from any of these options outlined here and give yourself a smooth complexion.

Notes from MOMmy:

I also practice lots of liquid, reduce the temperature with cold towels and feed them Virgin Coconut Oil or honey as part of natural treatment.

Via Wellness Mama: Why I Don’t Reduce A Fever- And What I do Instead

With school just getting started, and the increased incidence of illness in the cooler months, I’ve gotten several emails and Facebook questions lately about natural ways to bring down a fever, especially in young children. My personal solution is somewhat unconventional, but it has helped my family fight illness more quickly and usually prevent recurring infection… Here’s what we do:

[Note: I am not a doctor, nurse or medical professional and do not play one on the internet. Always check with a doctor or medical professional if a medical need arises]

What Causes A Fever?

Fever is a natural response to infection or illness. Many illnesses thrive at normal body temperature, and a fever (even a high one) is a good indication that the immune system is functioning to ward off the infection. In fact, a fever is a good sign as it means that the body is responding to fight the infection, and in most cases it is part of a natural bodily response that should be allowed to continue.

Fever can be caused by bacterial or viral illness, or in rare cases by poisoning, heat stroke, environmental toxins, or a malfunctioning hypothalamus. For the majority of us, fever is caused by a simple infection (most often a virus) and will fade on its own as the body heals. In fact, in most cases, a fever less than 103 will not cause brain damage, and a fever stemming from an infection will usually not go above this unless other factors (hot environment, etc.) are present. In many cases, those who suffer brain damage or other problems from an illness suffer this from the illness itself, not the fever. Even Medicine Plus, as service of the Natural Institutes of Health and U.S. Library of Natural Medicine states that a fever less than 107 is unlikely to cause brain damage or other problems unless accompanied by more serious symptoms (though I don’t like letting them go this high and have never had a child with a fever anywhere near this high).

Even fevers high enough to cause Febrile Seizures do not indicate a severe problem in themselves: From this article: “However, most febrile seizures are over quickly, do not mean your child has epilepsy, and do not cause any permanent harm.” I highly recommend the book How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor for a more detailed explanation about the benefits of a fever and why reducing it can be harmful.

If one of my family members has a fever less than 103-104 degrees that I know is not the result of poisoning, severe bacterial infection, heat stroke, or toxins, I personally find it best to wait it out, monitor symptoms and take measures to make the person more comfortable. This is my personal preference in this situation, and while I’ve never found temperatures at this point or lower to be harmful, it is always important to do your own research and talk to a medical professional if you feel the situation warrants it. In my experience, the majority of fevers from illness hover in the 101-103 range and are an effective part of the body’s response to illness.

Why Reducing A Fever Can Be Counterproductive

There are several reasons it is better not to reduce a fever. Since fever is part of the body’s natural way of fighting illness or infection, reducing the fever can actually make the illness last longer, as it lets the cause of the illness live for a longer time.

Additionally, most conventional methods of lowering a fever can do more harm than good. Tylenol and Advil (the two medications most often given to children to reduce fever) both have side effects and cause liver failure in adults and children each year, especially when given regularly. Medications are also foreign substances in the body, which must be metabolized and filtered by the body and this takes energy the body could be using to fight the illness.

While a fever can be uncomfortable, it is possible to comfort the person who is ill without reducing the fever. Often, the medications that reduce fever also get rid of body aches or uncomfortable symptoms, so the two are thought to go hand in hand. While certainly, medical intervention and medicine are absolutely warranted at times, they aren’t my first line of defense for most fevers.

When Medical Care is Critical

In the majority of cases, a fever is a natural healthy response that should be allowed to run its course. There are exceptions and in these cases it is important to seek medical care and make sure there is not a more serious problem. While I personally let the majority of illnesses run their course in our home, I don’t hesitate to seek medical help immediately if the situation warrants it.

In general, these are the times I seek medical care for a fever, but a parent’s intuition/research and conversation with your own doctor are important for determining when a fever is serious. I seek help when:

  • A child under three months has a fever over 100.4 or exhibits any serious symptoms
  • A child has a fever over 104 as this can signal a more serious infection or poisoning
  • A child has a fever for more than two consecutive days
  • The ill person has other symptoms like stiff neck, listlessness, or sensitivity to light
  • The person is unable to hold down food for more than a few hours or shows any signs of dehydration
  • Person exhibits any sign of respiratory distress (Seek immediate help)
  • Person has been exposed to toxins or poisons that may have caused the fever
  • My mother’s intuition says there is something more serious going on, even if the child appears fine

What I Do Instead

While I don’t use conventional methods of treating illness, I’m also not in favor of letting an ill person suffer any more than is necessary. Fortunately, there are some easy, natural ways to comfort the afflicted without drugs or medicine. For most illnesses, this is my protocol:

  • Lots of fluids to ward of dehydration and help the body flush the illness. We stick to water, herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, or catnip.
  • Double doses of Fermented Cod Liver Oil, which seems to greatly reduce the duration of the illness and also gives the ill person important immune boosting nutrients. We use capsules for adults and gel for kids who can’t swallow pills. I also give this daily to all family members to help boost immune function so the body is ready to handle illness more quickly.
  • Probiotics– You’ve probably heard the saying “All disease begins in the gut” and I give probiotics to support immune and gut health. We take these all the time, but especially during illness.
  • Homemade elderberry syrup to boost immune function and make the ill person more comfortable. Here’s a recipe to make your own much less expensively than store bought options.
  • Lots of bone broth and homemade soups to nourish and provide nutrients that aid in healing.
  • Small doses of coconut oil mixed in to food or smoothies for its antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • We do warm baths with epsom salts or magnesium and a sprinkle of powdered ginger to help alleviate muscle aches. Peppermint tea also works for head/muscle aches associated with an illness.
  • If the person is achy or having trouble resting comfortably, I’ll sometimes give a natural sleep tincture or chamomile tincture to help soothe achy muscles and promote relaxing sleep.

TIP: I highly recommend printing out a version of this and keeping in on hand in a cabinet with the remedies in case you become ill. While I am prepared to help a family member who doesn’t feel well, I’m often not the best at remembering to do these things myself sick. This way, my husband can help me remember to do these things when I’m under the weather.

What do you do when a family member is sick? Have any natural tips or tricks? Share them below!

Via Health Inputs: 9 Natural Remedies for Digestive Problems in Children

Flatulence and digestive disorders are common disorders in children. Distension, flatulence, dyspepsia are the signs that excess gas is being formed in the intestine due to bacteria. Improper food is also one of the important cause that leads to this condition.

Some of the following natural home remedies will help limit and reduce digestive problems for your children and infants quickly and efficiently.

1. Drink plenty of water regularly

Although it may sound simple, this is the first of home remedies for digestive disorders in infants and children. Drinking plenty of water every day can not only help to increase the body’s resistance, but also reduce the symptoms of stomach acid. In addition, when sufficient water is taken, the toxins are dissolved in water and eliminated through the digestive tract smoothly.

2. Ginger, Lemon, and Honey

Ginger is often added to many foods as it can help to improve the efficiency of digestion. The lemon juice mixed with honey is a good remedy for you if you suffer from digestive problems. What you need is two tablespoons of lemon juice and ginger, honey. Mix them in a cup of hot water and let your child drink immediately after meals to aid digestion.

3. Chew Mint

Mint leaves chewing is also beneficial for any stomach problem. Peppermint is a volatile substance contained in menthol, have a direct effect on the contraction of smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract. This is an excellent remedy for symptoms such as digestive disorders, abdominal pain, heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.

4. Eat Fruits

Fruits contain dietary fiber that can strengthen your children’s digestive system. Fiber helps the movement of food easily through the digestive system and stimulates digestion automatically. Papaya, banana (easily digestible and laxative), apples, pears, and grapes are the best fruits for the stomach.

5. Eat Small Meals

Eating heavy meals with high consumption of food causes the conditions of flatulence and digestive disorders. Therefore, your child should eat smaller meals from about 2-3 hours to remove any excess acid. When children eat meals, you should tell them to slowly chew, as the digestive system can not keep up with eating fast. This is also one of the best natural remedies for digestive disorders in infants and children.

6. Avoid these foods

Tell your child to avoid overeating , eating fried foods, spicy foods and instant food if you want to soothe the condition of digestion for your children. Instant foods contain a high level of fat and sugary drinks are not good for your digestive system. All these products can increase the acid, which causes flatulence, abdominal pain and leads to digestive disorders.

7. Avoid soft drinks and stimulants

When the consumption of alcohol-free beverages, the gas can be trapped in the stomach causing discomfort and flatulence. Instead of soda, go tell your children to go with lemon flavor drink, or simply reduce the number of soft drinks they use every day.
Therefore, if you want your child to have the healthy digestive system, you should tell him/her to stay away from tobacco and alcohol.

8. Do not eat before going to bed

If you eat a full meal and overload before going to sleep, the digestive system will have to work at full capacity. This will not only affect the quality and duration of sleep but also cause stomach discomfort and gastrointestinal disorders. So it is recommended to avoid eating too much before going to bed. This will help to relieve digestive system and effectively prevent heartburn and digestive problems.

9. Sleep well, Enough sleep

Do not let your mind and body suffer from too much stress because it can cause your body to be weakened. Give your child time to rest and create the energy to say their sleep at least 8 hours a day.