Notes from MOMmy:

I also practice lots of liquid, reduce the temperature with cold towels and feed them Virgin Coconut Oil or honey as part of natural treatment.

Via Wellness Mama: Why I Don’t Reduce A Fever- And What I do Instead

With school just getting started, and the increased incidence of illness in the cooler months, I’ve gotten several emails and Facebook questions lately about natural ways to bring down a fever, especially in young children. My personal solution is somewhat unconventional, but it has helped my family fight illness more quickly and usually prevent recurring infection… Here’s what we do:

[Note: I am not a doctor, nurse or medical professional and do not play one on the internet. Always check with a doctor or medical professional if a medical need arises]

What Causes A Fever?

Fever is a natural response to infection or illness. Many illnesses thrive at normal body temperature, and a fever (even a high one) is a good indication that the immune system is functioning to ward off the infection. In fact, a fever is a good sign as it means that the body is responding to fight the infection, and in most cases it is part of a natural bodily response that should be allowed to continue.

Fever can be caused by bacterial or viral illness, or in rare cases by poisoning, heat stroke, environmental toxins, or a malfunctioning hypothalamus. For the majority of us, fever is caused by a simple infection (most often a virus) and will fade on its own as the body heals. In fact, in most cases, a fever less than 103 will not cause brain damage, and a fever stemming from an infection will usually not go above this unless other factors (hot environment, etc.) are present. In many cases, those who suffer brain damage or other problems from an illness suffer this from the illness itself, not the fever. Even Medicine Plus, as service of the Natural Institutes of Health and U.S. Library of Natural Medicine states that a fever less than 107 is unlikely to cause brain damage or other problems unless accompanied by more serious symptoms (though I don’t like letting them go this high and have never had a child with a fever anywhere near this high).

Even fevers high enough to cause Febrile Seizures do not indicate a severe problem in themselves: From this article: “However, most febrile seizures are over quickly, do not mean your child has epilepsy, and do not cause any permanent harm.” I highly recommend the book How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor for a more detailed explanation about the benefits of a fever and why reducing it can be harmful.

If one of my family members has a fever less than 103-104 degrees that I know is not the result of poisoning, severe bacterial infection, heat stroke, or toxins, I personally find it best to wait it out, monitor symptoms and take measures to make the person more comfortable. This is my personal preference in this situation, and while I’ve never found temperatures at this point or lower to be harmful, it is always important to do your own research and talk to a medical professional if you feel the situation warrants it. In my experience, the majority of fevers from illness hover in the 101-103 range and are an effective part of the body’s response to illness.

Why Reducing A Fever Can Be Counterproductive

There are several reasons it is better not to reduce a fever. Since fever is part of the body’s natural way of fighting illness or infection, reducing the fever can actually make the illness last longer, as it lets the cause of the illness live for a longer time.

Additionally, most conventional methods of lowering a fever can do more harm than good. Tylenol and Advil (the two medications most often given to children to reduce fever) both have side effects and cause liver failure in adults and children each year, especially when given regularly. Medications are also foreign substances in the body, which must be metabolized and filtered by the body and this takes energy the body could be using to fight the illness.

While a fever can be uncomfortable, it is possible to comfort the person who is ill without reducing the fever. Often, the medications that reduce fever also get rid of body aches or uncomfortable symptoms, so the two are thought to go hand in hand. While certainly, medical intervention and medicine are absolutely warranted at times, they aren’t my first line of defense for most fevers.

When Medical Care is Critical

In the majority of cases, a fever is a natural healthy response that should be allowed to run its course. There are exceptions and in these cases it is important to seek medical care and make sure there is not a more serious problem. While I personally let the majority of illnesses run their course in our home, I don’t hesitate to seek medical help immediately if the situation warrants it.

In general, these are the times I seek medical care for a fever, but a parent’s intuition/research and conversation with your own doctor are important for determining when a fever is serious. I seek help when:

  • A child under three months has a fever over 100.4 or exhibits any serious symptoms
  • A child has a fever over 104 as this can signal a more serious infection or poisoning
  • A child has a fever for more than two consecutive days
  • The ill person has other symptoms like stiff neck, listlessness, or sensitivity to light
  • The person is unable to hold down food for more than a few hours or shows any signs of dehydration
  • Person exhibits any sign of respiratory distress (Seek immediate help)
  • Person has been exposed to toxins or poisons that may have caused the fever
  • My mother’s intuition says there is something more serious going on, even if the child appears fine

What I Do Instead

While I don’t use conventional methods of treating illness, I’m also not in favor of letting an ill person suffer any more than is necessary. Fortunately, there are some easy, natural ways to comfort the afflicted without drugs or medicine. For most illnesses, this is my protocol:

  • Lots of fluids to ward of dehydration and help the body flush the illness. We stick to water, herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, or catnip.
  • Double doses of Fermented Cod Liver Oil, which seems to greatly reduce the duration of the illness and also gives the ill person important immune boosting nutrients. We use capsules for adults and gel for kids who can’t swallow pills. I also give this daily to all family members to help boost immune function so the body is ready to handle illness more quickly.
  • Probiotics– You’ve probably heard the saying “All disease begins in the gut” and I give probiotics to support immune and gut health. We take these all the time, but especially during illness.
  • Homemade elderberry syrup to boost immune function and make the ill person more comfortable. Here’s a recipe to make your own much less expensively than store bought options.
  • Lots of bone broth and homemade soups to nourish and provide nutrients that aid in healing.
  • Small doses of coconut oil mixed in to food or smoothies for its antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • We do warm baths with epsom salts or magnesium and a sprinkle of powdered ginger to help alleviate muscle aches. Peppermint tea also works for head/muscle aches associated with an illness.
  • If the person is achy or having trouble resting comfortably, I’ll sometimes give a natural sleep tincture or chamomile tincture to help soothe achy muscles and promote relaxing sleep.

TIP: I highly recommend printing out a version of this and keeping in on hand in a cabinet with the remedies in case you become ill. While I am prepared to help a family member who doesn’t feel well, I’m often not the best at remembering to do these things myself sick. This way, my husband can help me remember to do these things when I’m under the weather.

What do you do when a family member is sick? Have any natural tips or tricks? Share them below!

Via Rodales Organic Life: Why More Parents Are Seeking Out Natural Cures For Their Kids—And 9 Cures To Try

In a 2002 study of 142 families at Emory University School of Medicine, 80 percent of parents who used alternative therapies for their kids relied on friends or relatives for information. Fewer than half discussed the treatments with their doctor.

In the U.S., complementary and alternative medicine for children is growing (estimates of CAM use are as high as 30 percent), but studies on safety and effectiveness are few; most have been done on adults. And because the FDA doesn’t evaluate herbal remedies before they hit the market, pediatricians are wary of suggesting them for the fragile, developing brains and bodies of kids. “I’m a fan of a natural approach where appropriate, but I’m still very cautious about recommending supplements for children,” says Russell Greenfield, MD, medical director of Carolinas Integrative Health, in Charlotte, North Carolina, and a coauthor of Healthy Child, Whole Child.

Still, there are some things Greenfield and other experts can recommend or advise against, and they’ve filled us in on the most promising treatments. Of course, you should consult your pediatrician before trying any method for the first time. Remember, just because something is “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe. (When purchasing herbal remedies, it’s a good idea to check the brands and their safety ratings at, which offers limited information for free and full-study results for a small annual fee.)

Boosting Their Immune System

Most parents have the healthy child basics covered: a daily multivitamin; a balanced, nutritious diet (OK, the vegetables are tough); and making sure their kids get adequate sleep and exercise. All the doctors we spoke with about fish oils and probiotics, however, recommended these supplements for overall health.

Fish Oil

Remember the daily spoonful of cod liver oil your mother (or grandmother) was given as a child, based on the notion that it was good for growing kids? Well, now we know there’s real science behind the practice. Fish oils are rich in essential fatty acids, including omega-3s, so they provide a powerful immune boost, explains Sezelle Gereau Haddon, MD, an ear, nose, and throat specialist based at the Center for Health and Healing in New York City. Studies have shown that taking fish oil can stave off colds and ear infections in children. “Doctors are now recommending it for depression, heart disease, ADHD, asthma…” she says. “I honestly think everybody should be taking it.” Make sure to buy a product that indicates it’s mercury-free on the label. (Also look for the words “pharmaceutical grade” and “distilled,” which mean that the product does not contain mercury or other metals, PCBs, dioxins, or other impurities.)


They’re the healthy bacteria, such as acidophilus and lactobacillus, found in yogurt. “A balance of bacteria is normally present in our intestines,” Greenfield says, “but that milieu can change for all sorts of reasons—stress, inadequate diet, and the use of antibiotics. By taking a daily probiotics supplement, we’re reintroducing healthful bacteria.” Studies have shown that probiotics can prevent or lessen the severity of gastrointestinal viruses (particularly those that cause diarrhea), eczema, food allergies, and asthma; there is even evidence that they may help prevent tooth decay. Both fish oil and probiotics are sold in forms for kids ages six months and older and come with instructions on dosages.

Keeping Colds And Flu At Bay

Colds are usually passed from person to person by touching contaminated objects, including doorknobs or toys. So basic measures, such as making sure your kids wash their hands often, can go far toward lessening the number of sick days at your house. Could an herbal supplement help too?


Many people swear by this homeopathic preparation when they feel the flu coming on. Homeopathy is safe, say all the doctors we spoke to. But whether it works—and how—are other questions. “Homeopathy has been found to be effective for some medical conditions in well-designed studies,” says Timothy Culbert, MD, medical director of Integrative Medicine and Cultural Care at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics in Minneapolis and Saint Paul. “But we are not completely certain as to how it works. And that makes doctors nervous.”
Homeopathic medicine is based on the idea that “like cures like.” So if your symptom is vomiting, you take a preparation that causes vomiting—but the medicine is diluted in water to the power of a billion or more. “The very concept that a remedy so dilute could have a therapeutic effect goes against modern science,” Greenfield says. Bottom line: It’s safe to try oscillococcinum, but there are no guarantees it will work.

Quieting a Cough

The traditional remedy is cough syrup, but many kids hate the taste. Doctors also have reservations. “If a cough isn’t causing your child to lose sleep or appetite, current research suggests that leaving it alone is the best medicine,” says Lawrence Rosen, MD, director of Integrative Pediatric Services at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York. Cough medicines can have quite a few side effects, he adds, including hyperactivity and heart palpitations. So what else is helpful?


As a good alternative for children older than six months, Paula Gardiner, MD, a research fellow in Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapies at Harvard Medical School, recommends essential oils or teas made from dried herbs. Choose expectorant herbs, such as thyme, eucalyptus, mint, pine, licorice, and anise, for a cough that’s productive (bringing up mucus). To soothe a nonproductive cough, also try thyme, as well as slippery elm, peppermint, or lemon balm. To make a tea, put a teaspoon of an herb in a cup of boiling water; for ice pops, let the tea cool, mix 12 cup with a little juice, then freeze in ice pop molds. You can add a drop or two of an essential oil to 12 cup of massage oil, and gently rub the mixture into your child’s chest and back. Cough drops with slippery elm or licorice will also give some relief.

Easing Kids To Sleep

Getting your child to bed can be a daily struggle—kids can have a hard time settling down. And, of course, they know how to prolong the nightly ritual with calls for one last glass of water or another bedtime story. Try:


For kids of any age, place a few drops of agood-quality calming essential oil (such as lavender or sweet orange) on a handkerchief, Gereau Haddon suggests. Tie the hankie near your child’s bed—but not so close that he can reach it and put it in his mouth, since the oils can be toxic in high doses. You can also put a drop or two into a massage oil, on your child’s pillow, or in a diffuser.


This is a hormone our bodies produce to regulate our sleep-wake cycle; it is sold as a supplement (purchase only a synthetic kind). “For children older than two, I often recommend taking one-half to three milligrams an hour before bedtime,” Rosen says.

Mind-Body Techniques

“We teach parents to use mental imagery with their kids,” Culbert says. After a bedtime story, try talking to your child about her favorite place—a beach or any other safe and calm location. Help her focus on her breathing as a way to slow nervous energy.

Eradicating Ear Infections

Pediatricians are treating fewer ear infections with antibiotics. Recent guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics say that for kids older than two, doctors should hold off on antibiotics for the first two days while treating the pain. If the child begins to feel better during that time, no antibiotic is needed. This approach, which helps prevent the overuse of antibiotics—and thus the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria—is based on the fact that the many ear infections caused by viruses aren’t helped by antibiotics; they get better on their own. Only kids who have bacterial ear infections require a prescription. Nothing can replace antibiotics if they’re necessary, but below are a few smart prevention and treatment strategies.

Better Baby Care

Get rid of your baby’s pacifiers. When he sucks on one, it can create pressure on his eardrums. Also make sure your child is upright when bottle-feeding, so milk doesn’t drip into the ear canals, setting up a bacteria-friendly environment.

Fish Oil

A daily dose of fish oil can make a difference, because “it influences the immune system to produce cells that help kill off an infection,” Gereau Haddon says. “It’s also a great anti-inflammatory.” In a study of 94 children, ages six months to five years, the half given cod liver oil and a multivitamin daily for six months had fewer doctor visits for upper respiratory infections (including ear infections) during that time than the half who didn’t take supplements.

Craniosacral Therapy

This technique has shown promise with children ages six months and older who get chronic ear infections. It involves a licensed practitioner, often an osteopath, very gently manipulating your child’s head, neck, and back to enhance the functioning of the membranes and fluid around the brain and spinal cord. “Ear infections could be a sign of the eustachian tube in the ear needing realignment,” Gereau Haddon explains. A recent study at Oklahoma State University found that children with recurrent ear infections who received osteopathic manipulation as well as routine pediatric care had fewer infections and were less likely to need ear tubes than those who received just routine care. Go to the Web site of the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners, for referrals to craniosacral therapists.

Handling Asthma

To keep his asthma under control, your child takes his medication every day and stays away from triggers such as dust, pollen, and cat and dog dander. But studies have shown that using mind-body techniques to get your child to relax also can reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. “The anxiety caused by not being able to get a deep breath can make it even more difficult to breathe,” Culbert says.


“We’ve found yoga to be very beneficial, especially in teaching the sort of deep abdominal breathing we want children with asthma to use,” Culbert says. He recommends the YogaKids video series.


In a 2004 study at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey, adult patients using biofeedback needed less medication and had fewer symptoms and better lung function. Culbert says that biofeedback is good for kids ages six and older too. Here’s how it works: In weekly sessions, biofeedback machines pick up on activity in the body and display it visually on a screen. Patients can then use that information to try to control their physical reactions. For example, an asthmatic child may see a black-and-white picture of a forest on the screen, and as she relaxes, bringing her heart rate and breathing under control, it fills in with color. A biofeedback practitioner teaches her the relaxation exercises, and the child can use these techniques during real-life situations. Sessions may cost from $50 to $200 and are often covered by insurance.

Relieving Headaches

Migraine headaches often run in families. Food or stressful situations may be triggers, but the cause can be difficult to pinpoint. And for kids with chronic or severe migraines, pain medications may not give complete relief, so mind-body relaxation techniques can help here as well.


This Chinese remedy involves a practitioner inserting ultrafine needles into specified points on the skin, releasing endorphins and reducing the perception of pain. In a 2000 study on teenagers with chronic pain problems (some suffered from migraines), 70 percent said that acupuncture definitely helped their pain, and 67 percent found it a pleasant experience. Acupuncture is appropriate for ages five and up, but if a child is too squeamish, Culbert says, she can first try acupressure, which involves using finger pressure on various points.


More than 20 studies using biofeedback to combat headaches in kids have been published in the past 30 years. And most have shown significant improvement—at least a 50 percent reduction in pain—for the majority of study participants, according to a published review by Kathi Kemper, MD, author of The Holistic Pediatrician.

Keeping Skin Healthy

Pimples and acne are tough to deal with, but mild cases can benefit from a holistic approach, Greenfield says. “In addition to hormonal changes, acne can be a manifestation of stress—which teenagers don’t always know how to manage,” he explains. It might take some prodding from you or another influential grown-up, but encourage your teen to try exercise, yoga, or meditation. Other strategies:

Fish Oil

To decrease inflammation in kids older than age 12, Greenfield recommends a two-month trial of 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams daily of a fish oil supplement containng both EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.

Tea Tree Oil

Try cleansers or creams with tea tree oil, Culbert says. Its antibacterial and skin-healing properties work just as well as benzoyl peroxide but cause less dryness and redness. (The herbal preparation does work more slowly, however.) Calendula, an anti-inflammatory herb, is another ingredient to look for.

Dietary Changes

“Some individuals are more sensitive to dairy and sugar, making them prone to breakouts,” Greenfield says. Try eliminating these. The information in this article is not meant to be comprehensive or to substitute for your own doctor’s advice.

How To Find A Savvy Doctor

The number of pediatricians in the United States who have training in alternative treatments is growing. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a new Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative Pediatrics section, which will present educational programs and highlight research in alternative medicine for all its pediatricians. Every year, the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, run by Andrew Weil, MD, certifies 50 health care professionals (including pediatricians). But the key is still communication. “It would be great if your child’s doctor were someone who considered non-Western and other nature-based methods of healing,” says Russell Greenfield, MD. “But having a competent doctor who is respectful of your values and is open to new ideas is the most important thing.”

home remedies tea

The Herbal Tea Rx

A soothing cup of tea is a safe way to treat many of your child’s minor ailments. Use prepared tea bags or a teaspoon of the dried herb in a cup of boiling water.

Symptom: Upset stomach; colic and crankiness in babies
Herb: Chamomile
For Ages: Six months and older
Try: Celestial Seasonings Chamomile

Symptom: Constipation
Herb: Senna
For Ages: 1 year and older
Try: Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move

Symptom: Sore throat
Herb: Licorice, slippery elm
For Ages: Three years and older
Try: Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat

Symptom: Generally unwell
Herb: Green tea (decaf)
For Ages: Five years and older
Try: Choice Organic Teas

Notes from MOMmy:

I always believe in natural remedy.

I’ve been giving honey and virgin coconut oil to my kids on daily basis since my eldest was 2 years old.

The difference is I can see that she doesn’t get cough or flu easily compared to other kids. One tablespoon of honey and virgin coconut oil on a daily basis.

Via  The Champa Tree: 6 remedies for kids every parent should know

Some important natural and home remedies which come handy in day to day lives of parents

We all know, how natural remedies come handy in case of kids at the last moment. Natural remedies are often tried by parents as they feel that antibiotics are not safe every time. As parents, when our kids fall sick, it’s often said that antibiotics should be the last resort in curing the child. Moreover, you might never know, that antibiotics might as well trigger an allergic reaction in your child’s body. These days even doctors advise against the use of antibiotics in case of minor cold and cough and preach to parents for the use of natural and safe remedies at home. Presenting some of the remedies which will come handy in day to day lives of parents:

1. Honey during cold and cough:

Remember the time when your grand mom always used to come with a spoon of honey whenever you felt sick? Having honey in warm water is quite an old and a tried and tested method in getting relief from a sore throat. Honey contains antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties that fight against the virus, bacteria and treats cold and its underlying symptoms.

2. Olive oil for cradle cap:

Cradle cap is a yellowish greasy skin rash which occurs on a new-born baby and can often continue up to toddler hood. You can soften the baby’s scalp by moisturizing her skin with olive oil. When the skin is moisturized, it will help in brushing off the cradle cap quite easily.

3. Sugar for hiccups:

Well, well another way of gulping down sugar. I am sure kids would love this home remedy. Taking a spoonful of sugar helps in stopping the hiccups. The sugar soothes the nerve muscles that encourage muscles in the diaphragm to contract and spasm.

4. Oatmeal bath for itchy skin (especially during Chicken pox)

Skin problems are a major cause of concern in baby’s initial few months. What makes the matter worse and difficult is the fact, that you cannot scratch the baby’s skin as its extra sensitive and might further break out if you do so. The anti-inflammatory properties of the oats can reduce itching, and inflammation to quite an extent, giving tender skin a chance to heal.

5. Cumin and carrom seeds for constipation

Constipation often becomes a major cause of concern for both kids and parents. Parents often become worried while keeping a count on the number of bowel movements their kids pass in a day. Your kitchen is just a help away in helping you to cure constipation problems of your toddler. Boil a glass of water with ½ tsp cumin seeds (jeera), ½ tsp carom seeds (ajwain), ½ tsp fennel seeds (saunf) till the water is about ½ a glass. Strain this and add jaggery or honey. It stimulates the digestive system and thus facilitates easy bowel movement.

6. Lemon to soothe motion sickness

Parents often think a lot of planning for a travel, as they must chalk out an entire plan keeping their health among other things in mind. Motion sickness is one of the most common things kids face when they are going for long drives on family picnics or holidays. Try sucking a lemon which will help in getting some relief from that uneasy feeling.

Via Healthy Kids Happy Kids: Top 5 Pediatrician-Approved Natural Remedies for Your Child’s Headache

If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you know how awful they can be. I, knock-on-wood, don’t often get headaches, but the ones I’ve had have been doozies and I have endless empathy for kids and adults who get them on a regular basis. And of course, when your child has a headache, the first concern that might pop into some of your heads is that something could be wrong – really, really wrong.

The first thing to know is that the vast majority of headaches do NOT signify an underlying brain tumor or meningitis. But, as a pediatrician, I want to remind you of the warning signs for when you should check in with your doctor. Take your child to the doctor if he/she:

  • Has a headache that occurs with a head injury, even a seemingly mild one.
  • Has a headache upon waking, or is worse first thing in the morning after waking.
  • Has an associated fever.
  • Develops pain or stiffness in the back of their neck when touching chin-to-chest.
  • Is acting confused, not making good eye contact, is very sleepy and difficult to arouse, or is unusually fussy, irritable or truly “inconsolable”.
  • Is vomiting and can’t keep fluids down.
  • Has a headache that lasts for more than a few days.
  • Has chronic headaches that are worsening or changing in pattern or intensity.
  • You are very worried about your child and just want him checked out (trust your mama sense!).

Now that that’s out of the way, know that most headaches in children can be addressed with holistic approaches and natural remedies. So here you go – my top 5 pediatrician-approved natural remedies for your child’s headache.

Tip #1: Get Hydrated

Collection of different detox water (infused water) in a glass pitchers.

The #1 reason for headaches in kids is dehydration.

How much fluid should your child be drinking each day? As a general rule, take your child’s body weight in pounds, divide in half, and that’s how many ounces of fluids your child should be drinking at a minimum each day. For instance, my 50-pound 6-year-old son should drink at least 25 ounces of fluids each day. And if it’s a very hot day or your child will be sweating and losing additional fluid from exercise – she should be drinking even more!

So WHAT should your child drink? Good ‘ol H2O is awesome. But when your child is dehydrated, a drink with electrolytes is ideal to replenish those minerals, keep him hydrated, and reduce those headaches. Here are some of my favorite fluids for kids:

  • Coconut water is one of my favorite drinks – chock full of amazing electrolytes to keep our cells super-hydrated with just the right amount of sugar. I love the taste of coconut water all by itself in its unadulterated glory, but you can add a bit of unsweetened juice to suit your child’s palate if needed. You can make natural jello, fruit juice popsicles, and smoothies with coconut water to keep your kids hydrated – be as creative as you can!
  • Herbal teas are another amazing way to keep your kids hydrated while also providing other healing benefits. Chamomile tea is calming, relieves pain and spasms, soothes upset tummies, and fights inflammation caused by fevers and colds. Peppermint tea cools the body, relaxes the mind, reduces nausea and helps with pain. Ginger tea reduces nausea and inflammation often associated with headaches. You can add honey (if your child is over 1 year old), which has its own immune-boosting benefits, or make popsicles, jello or smoothies with them just like with coconut water above.
  • Bone broth! No discussion about hydration would be complete without discussing the amazing healing and hydrating benefits of bone broth. It’s so easy to make – much easier than you think! And most health food stores are now selling delicious made-for-you bone broths. Drink it like tea. Use it as a base for your child’s favorite soup. Use it instead of plain water to cook your child’s rice or pasta. The variety of ways you can use bone broth is endless – only limited by your imagination! Check out all the amazing benefits of bone broth with step-by-step instructions on how to make it on the Healthy Kids Happy Kids post Amazing Bone Broth.

Tip #2: Fill Up On Magnesium

Food containing magnesium: pumpkin seeds, poppy seed, beans, chocolate, almonds, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, buckwheat, hazelnuts, sesame bars, figs, spinach, bananas and avocado.

Foods containing magnesium: pumpkin seeds, poppy seed, beans, chocolate, almonds, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, buckwheat, hazelnuts, sesame bars, figs, spinach, bananas and avocado.

There’s a huge epidemic of magnesium deficiency. We can pretty much assume that most of us are at least insufficient in this miracle mineral. Not only does it relax the body, it relaxes the mind – and it is amazing for headaches! There are various forms of magnesium. They’re all relaxing, but magnesium glycinate has the most calming effects. Magnesium citrate can help loosen bowel movements if constipation is an associated issue for your child. (Constipation is also rampant among our kids. See my blog post Oh, Crap! for more tips on how to handle constipation naturally.)

What dosage? Well, that depends on how deficient you are to begin with. The RDA for magnesium is about 2 milligrams (mg) per pound of body weight. But most people need way more than that. A general rule of thumb would be to take up to 5 times your body weight in milligrams (mg) of magnesium. So, my 50-pound 6-year-old could take about 250mg of magnesium daily. And if he’s having a really bad headache, he might need even more! The only caveat – you want to work up slowly because magnesium can sometimes cause diarrhea…

Epsoms salts are another amazing way to passively get magnesium into your child and relieve their headache. Pour 1/2 – 1 cup in your kids’ bath and just sit back and let the calm fill her body. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. Our skin is our largest organ, and everything that comes into contact with our skin gets absorbed into our body, So just soaking in epsom salts will help to increase our body’s magnesium levels. Throw in some healing essential oils, and – aahhhh…

Tip #3: Use Essential Oils

Dried lavender herb and essential aromatherapy oil


Essential oils have amazing healing benefits and can be a powerful tool to help alleviate those troublesome headaches in your child.

Lavender is my all-time favorite essential oil to use for headaches. Who doesn’t love the smell of lavender? But did you know lavender essential oil also has amazing therapeutic calming and relaxing properties for the body and mind? Lavender reduces inflammation and spasm, alleviates pain, helps fight infection, calms anxiety, improves mood, and relaxes the body and mind.

Other essential oils can be very helpful for headaches when used alone, or together, with lavender. Peppermint essential oil can help fight headaches, reduce nausea and stomachaches, relax those tight neck muscles that aggravate headaches, fight infection, clear sinus congestion, and improve mental clarity. Thyme and rosemary essential oils have amazing anti-inflammatory properties and have been found to contain carvacrol – a compound that acts as a COX-II inhibitor and is similar in action to a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like ibuprofen.

Essential oils are very safe and effective for use in kids, and school-age kids can even learn to use essential oils on themselves. Some essential oils like lavender can be applied directly to the skin, while others like thyme should be diluted in a “carrier” oil such as coconut oil as direct application can irritate the skin. As a general rule, I dilute essential oils by mixing 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with about 4-5 drops of essential oil. If you’re using a combination of essential oils, put in a total of 4-5 drops of whatever combination you’re using (i.e., 2 drops lavender + 1 drop peppermint + 1 drop rosemary + 1 drop thyme).

Essential oils can be used topically and massaged into the soles of the feet, acupressure points, or anywhere else that feels good. Your child can rub that essential oil blend together in both palms, cup his hands over his nose and mouth and take a slow inhale through his nose so the oil gets transported straight to the limbic system in his brain to have direct and immediate calming and headache-relieving effects. You can also use a diffuser with 5-10 drops of essential oil to fill the whole house with healing power, or put a few drops in her Epsom salt bath for added calming benefits.

Tip #4: Acupressure at LI4

One of the easiest and most effective acupressure points to use for headaches is Large Intestine 4 (LI 4). LI 4 is located on the top of the hand, in the webspace between your thumb and index finger. Put your thumb on the point, and your index finger on the palm side of your child’s hand. Squeeze your thumb and index together, make small circular motions with your thumb with firm but gentle pressure. Aim for several minutes or 100 circles. And better yet – massage essential oils right into LI4 to have an even more potent effect on getting rid of that pesty headache!

Tip #5: RELAX…

    Child girl in the Park. Yoga at sunset in the park. Girl is practicing yoga.

Kids can, and should, learn stress reduction techniques, including mindfulness and meditation. Teaching your kids how to use these very important tools can not only help to relieve their headache, but reduce overall anxiety, improve focus and attention, and enhance sleep and overall well-being. Learning how to use these tools to relax body and mind BEFORE your child has a headache is ideal, so that your child already knows how to get into a mindful state before crisis hits. But even if your child has never practiced meditation before, apps like Calm and Headspace make it easy to walk through brief, guided meditations to help calm body and mind and alleviate that headache on the spot.

Relaxation and mindfulness take practice (for parents and kiddos alike!). A daily family practice, shared as part of the bedtime routine, can instill a sense of calm and well-being for the next day and days to come!

These are some of my favorite tools for kids to learn how to relax their bodies and minds and learn to incorporate mindfulness in their everyday lives:

  • The Calm and Headspace apps can be used not only for an acute crisis like a headache, or anxiety before an exam, but also for daily practice for the whole family.
  • Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents) by Eline Snel is a book with accompanying CD that offers children simple mindfulness practices and guided imagery to easily get into a relaxed state when needed.
  • Peaceful Piggy Meditation by Kerry Lee MacLean explains through story why finding peace through meditation is so important, and simple techniques to begin your child’s meditation journey.
  • The Goodnight Caterpillar: A Children’s Relaxation Story by Lori Lite is a beautiful story of a girl who teaches a very anxious caterpillar how to slowly relax and unwind his legs, arms, body and mind, and teaches progressive relaxation to kids in a simple yet very effective way.
  • Dreaming of Ponies by Lori Lite is available as an audio CD or MP3. Lori guides children through meditations to learn progressive relaxation, breathing, and calming techniques for bedtime and everyday stress.
  • Still Quiet Place: Mindfulness for Young Children and Still Quiet Place: Mindfulness for Teens by Dr. Amy Saltzman, are available as audio CDs or MP3. Dr. Saltzman guides kids of all ages through various, short mindfulness exercises that are calming and easy to implement.

What If Your Child Has Chronic Headaches?

Chronic headaches are an indication of an underlying imbalance(s) that CAN BE HEALED if we identify what the root causes are. Root causes can include nutritional deficiencies or insufficiencies, food sensitivities and leaky gut; intestinal dysbiosis with yeast, parasite or bacterial imbalances; mitochondrial dysfunction; and modifiable lifestyle factors (too little sleep, too much physiologic and emotional stress, too much screentime, etc.). The root cause may even be something as simple as needing a new pair of glasses! This detective work takes a holistic pediatric and functional medicine approach. So if your child is suffering from more than just the rare headache that isn’t relieved by my top remedies above, then please do find a holistic pediatrician or pediatric functional medicine practitioner to help guide you and your child through this healing journey.
And please do share this post with any parent you know who has a child suffering from headaches.

Via Small Town Soul: The Best Natural Remedy For Bug Bites

Bugs love me, and they love my daughter as well. We use this natural remedy to treat the bites, because it’s safe for the whole family!

Bug bites don’t bother my husband. They may itch for a few seconds, but the relief is quick. I am not like my husband.

No matter what kind of bug bites me, my skin around the bite site turns red and the it itches for days. I can’t stand it, but I carry my arsenal of essential oils with me at all times so I can treat them immediately. I’ve even found one combination that clears up the bites within hours!

Which Essential Oils Are Best To Treat Bug Bites?

The top two oils recommended to treat bug bites are lavender and tea tree (melaleuca) oil. Lavender is a soothing oil, which helps to reduce the itching and burning of the bite. Tea tree is an antiseptic oil, which means that it goes into the wound to actually clear up the bite.

Together, these two oils sooth the bite area and penetrate into the wound to clear out any venom that the insect has injected into the skin.

How Do I Apply These Oils?

This bug bite remedy is best applied in a roller ball. Simply add 10 drops of lavender and tea tree oil to a roller ball, fill to the top with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil), and apply directly to the site. The itching and burning should stop within a few minutes. If not, simply reapply as many times as needed.

In my experience, the itching stops almost immediately, and the bite is completely gone within 12 to 24 hours. If you don’t have a roller ball available, add a drop of each oil to your hand, mix with a little bit of your carrier oil, and apply to the bite.

Photo Credit: Abi Porter

Is This Safe For Kids?

YES! Essential oils are safe for use on children when properly diluted. You never want to place an oil on a child without a carrier oil present, due to the sensitivity of children’s skin. However, the roller ball recipe mentioned above is 100% safe for use on children.

In fact, last summer, my three year old niece came into the house crying because of a bug bite. We used this recipe on her, and she was calm and back out playing within just a few minutes. Not only is it safe for children, but it is also extremely effective.

Via Dr. Axe: 6 Natural Treatments for Pink Eye Symptoms

Pink eye can be a nasty and uncomfortable infection, but did you know that half of all cases clear up within 10 days without any treatment? That’s because there are many types of pink eye, with the most common pink eye symptoms caused by a viral infection, which can’t be treated with prescribed antibiotics.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are very similar, and doctors generally don’t test to see which germs cause the infection. Thus, they prescribe antibiotic eye drops or creams to every patient, just in case. But this can cause some confusion because patients or parents are advised that the infection is no longer contagious after 24 hours of beginning antibiotics, and they go back to school or work — but that is only true for bacterial pink eye, which isn’t even the most common type of conjunctivitis!

The truth is that a home remedy for pink eye like aloe vera gel or neem oil can make pink eye symptoms more tolerable until the infection clears up on its own. Researchers from England and the Netherlands looked at studies on the treatment of conjunctivitis with antibiotics and found that antibiotics helped speed the recovery in 10 out of 100 people within six to 10 days, and 46 out of 100 patients who didn’t use antibiotics no longer had pink eye symptoms within six to 10 days.

What Is Pink Eye?

Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is a common eye infection that causes redness, swelling, itching, tearing and a slightly thick, whitish drainage. It’s caused by a virus or bacteria, and it’s very contagious, spreading from person to person easily — making this a common condition.

Pink eye symptoms caused by bacteria typically clear up within 10 days without treatment, and viral pink eye symptoms go away after two to four weeks. During that time, the front of the eyes are swollen and tender, and the eyelids may burn or itch. Ongoing or chronic infections can last longer than four weeks.

Viral conjunctivitis is the most common cause of pink eye, and it usually doesn’t require treatment. Bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common cause of pink eye, and uncomplicated cases are typically resolved with prescribed topical antibiotics.

Pink Eye Symptoms

Pink eye symptoms begin to appear when the small blood vessels of the conjunctiva (the transparent membrane in the eye that lines the eyelid and covers the white part of the eyeball) become inflamed and cause the whites of the eye to appear pink or red.

If you go to see a doctor, he or she will first look for the typical pink eye symptoms. Your eyes and eyelids will then be examined to find or rule out any possible injuries or external irritants. It’s difficult to determine the cause of pink eye based only on the signs and symptoms, so a sample of the eye discharge may be taken to determine what type of germs are causing the infection. Pink eye can be the result of several issues: a virus, bacteria, an allergy, an irritant, or a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Bacterial pink eye may develop when bacteria enters the eye or the area around the eye. The infection typically lasts two to four days with antibiotic treatment or seven to 10 days without antibiotics.

Bacterial pink eye symptoms include:

  • Redness in the white of the eyes
  • Tearing
  • A burning sensation in the eyes
  • Mild pain and soreness in the conjunctiva
  • Yellow-green discharge or drainage from the eye that may cause the eyelashes to stick together and form a crust during the night
  • Swelling of the upper eyelid, making the lid appear droopy

Viral conjunctivitis has similar symptoms to bacterial pink eye, but the eyes typically secrete a more watery fluid. Viral pink eye is typically caused by adenovirus, but other viruses, such as herpes simplex, varicella zoster, picornavirus, poxvirus and HIV may also be the cause of the infection. Viral conjunctivitis usually resolves itself within two to four weeks, and it cannot be cured by antibiotics. It also remains contagious as long as the eyes are red, usually between 10–12 days.

Pink eye can also be caused by an allergy or irritation in the eye, and it’s encountered in up to 40 percent of the population. Allergic conjunctivitis affects both eyes, as opposed to viral or bacterial pink eye that can affect only one or both eyes. Allergic pink eye is the eye’s response to an allergy-causing substance, such as pollen, animal hair or house dust mites.

The body produces an antibody called immunoglobulin, which triggers mast cells in the mucous lining of the eyes and releases inflammatory substance, such as histamines. The red or pink eyes are a symptom of the histamine, which stimulates the dilation of blood vessels, irritates the nerve endings and increases the secretion of tears. That’s why pink eye is one of the symptoms of histamine intolerance. Allergic pink eye symptoms also include signs of a respiratory condition, like sneezing and a runny nose.

Conjunctivitis resulting from eye irritation is not an infection, and it usually clears up within a day or two. If an irritant (such as dust and dirt) or chemical splashes into the eye, we usually flush it out and clean the eye, which can cause redness and a mucous discharge. The eyes may also be watery and itchy until the irritation has passed.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis is a sexually transmitted disease that’s spread through hand-to-eye transmission of infected genital secretions. It’s a type of bacterial conjunctivitis, and it’s caused by chlamydia trachomatis. Many people who display chlamydial conjunctivitis symptoms have no genital symptoms of the sexually transmitted disease, although most of them have a genital infection as well. The symptoms are similar to viral and bacterial pink eye, including a mucous discharge, tearing, crusting lashes, and swollen or inflamed eyelids.

Gonorrhea is another sexually transmitted disease that can cause pink eye when the bacteria spreads from the genitals to the eyes — this is called gonococcal keratoconjunctivitis. This can be a serious infection that leads to vision loss if not treated early on. Conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea requires systemic treatment in addition to topical antibiotics.

If you or a loved one is experiencing poor vision, increased sensitivity to light, the feeling that there is something in the eye or a severe headache together with nausea, there may be a more serious problem and you should reach out to a health care provider.

Home Remedies for Pink Eye Symptoms

1. Tulsi

Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is known for its healing power. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that protect the eyes from environmental damage and free radicals. It also has the power to fight viral, bacterial and fungal infections in the eyes.

Soak tulsi leaves in boiled water for 10 minutes. Then use the water as an eyewash, or soak a clean cotton pad or washcloth in the water and use it as a warm compress.

2. Green Tea

The bioflavonoids present in green tea — like matcha green tea — relieve irritation and inflammation caused by pink eye while fighting bacterial and viral infections. Dip a green tea bag in boiled water and place it on the infected eye once it’s cool enough to touch. Or make a cup of green tea and soak a clean washcloth in it to create a warm compress.

3. Aloe Vera Gel

Components in aloe vera gel, such as aloin and amodin, have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Some other important aloe vera benefits are its ability to reduce inflammation and speed up healing.

Once you notice the signs of pink eye, place aloe vera gel around the eye and eyelid. A 2012 study published in Pharmaceutical Biology found that aloe vera extracts can be used on human corneal cells safely. Researchers discovered that aloe vera extracts may be used in eye drops to treat inflammation and other ailments of external parts of the eye.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric has healing compounds, and it reduces inflammation. It also has antibacterial properties and can relieve pink eye symptoms when used topically. Add two tablespoons of turmeric powder to one cup of boiled water. Soak a clean cotton pad or washcloth in the mixture and use it as a warm compress.

5. Neem Oil

Neem oil relieves irritated skin with its soothing and gentle properties. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components that can relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis. Wipe neem oil around the eye and eyelid before going bed for pink eye relief.

6. Colloidal Silver

One of the many colloidal silver benefits is its prompt action against a pink eye infection. When applied on the infected eye, the tiny silver colloids pick up the infected cells by attracting them electromagnetically and sending them into the bloodsteam to be eliminated. Unlike prescription antibiotics that are only able to treat specific classes of bacteria, colloidal silver is effective regardless of what may causing the infection.

How to Prevent the Spread of Pink Eye

Pink eye is extremely contagious, so it’s important that you’re careful not to spread the infection to the other eye or to someone else. Be sure to wash your hands after wiping your eyes and throughout the day. Because a common pink eye symptom is itchiness, we tend to keep our fingers around the eye. We also use our hands to wipe drainage and then touch the other eye or an object, thereby spreading the viral or bacterial infection.

When drainage is cleared away from the eye, throw away the tissue or wipe right away so the bacteria or virus does not travel. If washcloths are used to clean the eye, put them in the dirty laundry pile right away so no one else uses them.

In order to prevent the spread of pink eye, follow these simple tips:

  1. Wash your hands before and after touching, draining or applying medication to the eyes.
  2. Don’t wear contact lenses until the pink eye symptoms clear up and the infection is cured. Dispose of contact cases, and use a new one once the infection is cured.
  3. Wash towels, washcloths, linens and pillow cases after using, and do not share them with others.
  4. Don’t share eye makeup or makeup brushes. It’s best to throw away eye makeup products that were used while the eye was infected and throw away or clean brushes thoroughly.
  5. Do not use a cold or warm compress more than once, and be sure to use a different compress for each eye.

What Causes Pink Eye?

The risk of developing pink eye increases if you’re exposed to someone infected with the viral or bacterial form of conjunctivitis. Pink eye caused by bacteria is contagious for as long as the symptoms appear, and it remains contagious until there is no longer a mucous discharge coming from the eye or until 24 hours after antibiotics started.

Viral pink eye, on the other hand, is contagious before symptoms appear and can remain spreadable as long as the symptoms last. Many patients are given antibiotics to treat all forms of pink eye, even those caused by a virus. Then the patient returns to school or work after 24 hours, but the infection is still highly contagious.

Using contact lenses may also increase the risk of developing pink eye because the virus or bacteria may grow on the lenses, which are used day after day. Contact solution does not kill the infection, so lenses should be thrown out after a pink eye diagnosis and new ones should be used only after the infection has been cured. Contact lenses also increase the risk of the infection spreading to the cornea (called keratitis), which only happens to about three out of 10,000 people who wear contact lenses.

Being exposed to an irritant or something that causes an allergy, such as pollen, also increases the risk of developing pink eye symptoms.

Conventional Pink Eye Symptoms Treatment

Eye drops or ointments that contain antibiotics are often given as a treatment for pink eye just in case it is a bacterial infection — however, pink eye is more commonly caused by a virus, and antibiotics have no effect on viruses. If the infection is viral, only the symptoms can be treated. Applying a cold or warm compress and using non-antiobiotic eye drops are common remedies for viral infections.

Antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers are commonly used to treat allergic conjunctivitis. Antihistamines are drugs that are taken to relieve allergy symptoms. There are special precautions that should be taken when using antihistamines, especially if you have glaucoma, an enlarged prostate, an overactive thyroid, heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. Some side effects of antihistamines include dry mouth, dizziness, nervousness, blurry vision and decreased appetite.

Sedation, the most common adverse effect of antihistamine agents, occurs in 10 percent to 25 percent of users. According to a review published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, drowsiness from antihistamines has been attributed to the blockage of central histaminergic receptors in the brain. (14)

Mast cell stabilizing drugs slow down or stop the release of allergic mediators from mast cells, thereby preventing the release of histamines and related mediators. To treat conjunctivitis symptoms, mast cell stabilizers are available as eye drops. The issues with these types of medications are that they can be expensive and require frequent doses. (15)

Takeaways on Pink Eye Symptoms

  • Half of all cases clear up within 10 days without any treatment.
  • The most common pink eye symptoms caused by a viral infection, which can’t be treated with prescribed antibiotics.
  • Viral pink eye symptoms go away after two to four weeks.
  • Viral conjunctivitis is the most common cause of pink eye, and it usually doesn’t require treatment. Bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common cause of pink eye, and uncomplicated cases are typically resolved with prescribed topical antibiotics.
  • Bacterial pink eye symptoms include redness in the white of the eyes, tearing, a burning sensation in the eyes, mild pain and soreness in the conjunctiva, yellow-green discharge or drainage from the eye that may cause the eyelashes to stick together and form a crust during the night, and swelling of the upper eyelid, making the lid appear droopy.
  • The best home remedies for pink eye are tulsi, green tea, aloe vera gel, turmeric, neem oil and colloidal silver.
  • Follow these steps to prevent the spread of pink eye:
  1. Wash your hands before and after touching, draining or applying medication to the eyes.
  2. Don’t wear contact lenses until the pink eye symptoms clear up and the infection is cured. Dispose of contact cases, and use a new one once the infection is cured.
  3. Wash towels, washcloths, linens and pillow cases after using, and do not share them with others.
  4. Don’t share eye makeup or makeup brushes. It’s best to throw away eye makeup products that were used while the eye was infected and throw away or clean brushes thoroughly.
  5. Do not use a cold or warm compress more than once, and be sure to use a different compress for each eye.

Via Living Well Mom: 5 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies will make you feel miserable year after year and you might feel like you don’t have any choice but to reach for the allergy medication so you can function.

But there are actually quite a few natural remedies for seasonal allergies that can be very effective at relieving symptoms.

Both my husband and almost 8-year-old son (used to) suffer from seasonal allergies and we’ve been able to relieve their symptoms using all natural remedies without any medication.

To be honest, my husband is a little stubborn and more reluctant to follow my natural remedy protocol, so he hasn’t experienced quite as much relief as my son has.

But Joshua is like a whole new child this year. The sneezing, congestion, and red watery eyes that have plagued my poor boy every spring since he was 3 are gone.

In previous years, we turned to over-the-counter and even prescription medications to help him (Children’s Zyrtec, Flonase, etc.) But even that pharmaceutical regimen didn’t fully relieve his symptoms; it only masked the symptoms and on really bad pollen days, Josh was still miserable.

As I’ve gradually moved our family to more natural remedies, this year, we’ve added a few things to our natural home remedy toolkit to help with seasonal allergies and the results have truly been amazing.

I use these natural remedies safely with both kids and adults.

(Note: Please note that I am not a medical professional and this post is not meant to be medical advice. You should always do your own research and seek the advice of your own physician or medical professional. I am simply sharing my own family’s experience in the hopes that it might help you too. )

5 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies:

#1 Aller-Free Herbal Tincture

Aller-Free is an herbal formula from Herbal Energetics containing organic and wildcrafted herbs, including nettle leaf, goldenrod, astragalus, Osha root, bayberry root, licorice root, and marshmallow root, along with raw honey and flower essences.

I’ve discovered that this natural remedy for seasonal allergies works well for fast allergy relief, though it works even better when taken at least once a day.

Here’s a list of the ingredients:

  • Nettle leaf is useful for combating many common ailments, including reducing inflammation, allergies, asthma, and hay fever.
  • Goldenrod can also help reduce inflammation and relieve sinus and lung congestion.
  • Astragalus is an incredible immune-boosting herb and can help protect against bacteria and viruses while reducing inflammation associated with allergies. It’s also known for increasing white and red blood cells and protecting as an antioxidant. Even more, it can be excellent at strengthening organs including the lungs, spleen, and heart.
  • Osha root is especially helpful with respiratory conditions and can act as a natural expectorant while reducing congestion, mucus, and inflammation.
  • Bayberry is also helpful in reducing inflammation and congestion.
  • Licorice root is another great anti-inflammatory by soothing irritated mucous membranes as an expectorant.
  • Marshmallow root reduces inflammation, especially related to respiratory issues.
  • Plus there are flower essences – Crab Apple, SOS Rescue, Self-Heal, and Yarrow.

You can see how this herbal blend has quite a few beneficial herbs.

Aller-free has worked wonders for relieving Joshua’s seasonal allergies. I give him 1/2 to 1 full dropper full in the morning and at night. In fact, now that we’ve used it regularly for the past month, I’ve noticed we can even skip a day (yes in peak pollen season here in New Hampshire) and Joshua is still symptom-free.

Even my often reluctant-to-take-natural-remedies husband has experienced relief using this herbal blend when he takes it. (So much so, that last week, he asked me for his own small bottle so he could bring it to work with him!)

If I had to pick just one all-natural remedy for seasonal allergies, it would be Aller-Free; it’s been THAT amazing.

You can buy Aller-Free here.

#2 Essential Oils

Essential oils are another great all natural way to tackle seasonal allergies.

There are a few ways to use essential oils. Simply add a couple essential oil drops to your hand and breathe them in, diffuse the oils, or apply them topically with a carrier oil or make an easy essential oil roller blend.

My favorite essential oils are:

peppermint – may help reduce sinus congestion (click here for information on using peppermint essential oils with children)
lemon essential oil – may help break up mucus
lavender essential oil – a natural antihistamine


I include these three essential oils in an easy-to-make DIY essential oil roller blend for seasonal allergies.

I rub this essential oil blend on Joshua’s back and soles of his feet daily.

#3 Saline Nasal Spray

A saline nasal spray can wash away germs and mucus, relieving discomfort from congestion and even preventing ear and sinus infections. It works well for relieving seasonal allergies, along with other nasal irritations, like dryness during the winter and congestion due to a cold virus, etc.

Joshua suffered from chronic congestion ever since he was a toddler and he had a prescription for Flonase nasal spray for when the congestion got really bad.

When we switched to a gluten-free and dairy-free diet a couple years ago, Joshua’s congestion all but disappeared. But it still came back during the spring months when his seasonal allergies acted up.

As I’ve gradually moved our family to more natural remedies, I found a saline nasal spray, called Xlear Nasal Spray, for Joshua to use instead of the Flonase. The ingredients are simply purified water, xylitol, saline, and grapefruit seed extract.

It’s worked really well for Joshua in relieving any seasonal allergy congestion. In fact, when he started using it, he was mildly congested and it helped almost immediately.

Now he uses the saline nasal spray only on an infrequent as-needed basis, but it’s great to have an all-natural alternative in my medicine cabinet.

#4 Raw Honey

Local raw honey contains enzymes that can help reduce histamine flare-ups (aka allergic reactions) due to pollen in the air. While studies seem to be uncommon and inconclusive, there are many people who will testify to how amazing raw honey can be at reducing seasonal allergies.

Raw honey is not the same as the honey bear at the grocery store; the honey bear is not raw and you will not see the same benefits.

This was the only raw honey in my cupboard and it’s NOT local to me; this was my que to putting this on my shopping list!

It’s also important to find raw honey from your area because this honey will be made by bees pollinating the same kinds of plants and trees that are bothering you. This will, in turn, expose your body to very small amounts of the allergen and help your body to almost desensitize.

Raw honey is also beneficial for gut health, which is a huge part of the immune system.

We buy raw local honey from the health food store in town and I give Joshua 1-3 tsp a day. It’s hard to measure the exact amount and we use a regular spoon and estimate. I’ve been giving Joshua the raw honey for about 3-4 months now and I definitely think it’s contributed to his reduced (almost disappeared) seasonal allergies this year.

One note: It’s helpful to begin taking raw local honey at least a couple months before pollen season begins where you live to help your body increase it’s tolerance gradually. Raw honey won’t relieve symptoms as quickly as some of the other natural remedies listed here.

#5 Reduce sugar intake

We all know eating sugar isn’t good for you, especially in excessive amounts. But did you know that sugar consumption may make seasonal allergies worse?

I haven’t been able to find any concrete studies on this topic, but I have read numerous articles about people’s testimonials describing this correlation.

For my own family, I’ve noticed that when my husband and son eat more sugar, they both experience more allergy symptoms. When they reduce their sugar intake, their allergy symptoms simultaneously decrease.

Those are the 5 most helpful natural remedies for seasonal allergies we’ve used in our family with great success.

There are more natural things you can do to reduce seasonal allergies, including taking additional vitamin D3, probiotics, quercetin, herbal tea, etc. however, for my family, we haven’t noticed those options to work as well as the 5 I listed above.

I hope you or your child will find relief using some of these natural options, just like we have. Feel better!

Via Mommypotamus: Natural Remedies For Lice

Have you ever noticed how motherhood…

Has a way of making you feel guilty about random things, like going to the bathroom by yourself? Well, here’s one thing you shouldn’t add to your list: lice.
If your little one gets it, it’s not because they were dirty . . . though it’s probably a good thing if they are sometimes. It’s also not because your house is dirty, though if you’re like me there are days when you have to clear a path through the rubble, er, toys, just to get to your couch.

Lice thrive in clean hair, dirty hair, blue hair and even weird beard hair. Fortunately for us, they don’t do well in the environment if separated from us, so preventing a reinfestation is relatively easy with a little know-how. But I’m getting ahead of myself – I haven’t even covered how to get rid of them in the first place. I’ll get to that in a moment – but first, let’s talk about what not to do . . .


If you’re like me, you remember being doused with a foul, tar-like shampoo after a wave of lice hit your local elementary. For even the natural mamas among us, it’s easy to think that this might be the time to bring out the big guns. Who wants to fight this stuff for weeks, right?

But before you lather up with OTC options like Nix, Rid, A-200 and Pronto or a prescription variety like Ovide or Kwell, “you might want to know what’s in it,” says Melanie Haiken of Takepart. Yes, yes you do. Here’s more from her article:

“The answer: neurotoxins, which kill lice by attacking the central nervous system. Rid, Pronto, and A-200 contain pyrethrins, and Nix contains permethrin, all used in common garden pesticides. Ovide contains an even stronger neurotoxin, malathion. (Yes, that’s the same pesticide many communities banned a decade ago.)

Needless to say, these pesticides aren’t something you’d normally want to expose your kids to. Pyrethrin exposure has been linked to asthma and other breathing problems in children, as well as skin rashes. They’re also probable endocrine disruptors and may raise breast cancer risk by elevating estrogen levels. Lindane, the oldest neurotoxin used for lice treatment and the active ingredient in Kwell, has been banned in 52 countries and restricted in 33 others for causing serious side effects, including seizures, stiff neck, lethargy, and slurred speech.”


You see, lice are super these days. And by super I don’t mean awesome, I mean resistant to pesticides.

“The manufacturers won’t tell you that, and your child’s doctor probably won’t either,” writes Haiken. “But research published this spring in the Journal of Medical Entomology revealed that 99.6 percent of the lice found in the United States are ‘super lice’ resistant to pyrethrins and permethrin. It makes sense: Just as bacteria mutate to make an end run around an antibiotic, so too do fast-reproducing head lice, which mutate to survive the neurotoxic onslaught.”

Yikes. If you’re scratching your head about what to do instead, I have a few suggestions.


There are four basic ways to get rid of lice:

1. Physical removal with a nit comb

Professional “nitpickers” most often use the Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb to remove lice and nits (lice eggs). We’ll cover how to use it with other remedies in the section below.

2. Suffocation

One study found that coating the hair/scalp with a blend of mineral oil and other chemicals to suffocate the lice was 97.6% effective. Personally, I wouldn’t use mineral oil, polysorbate 80, etc., but I would definitely try oils such as coconut or olive. Many parents have reported great success with this method. However, because the little buggers “can hold their breath for up to 8 hours,” you’ll need to put on a shower cap and let the oil sit overnight. And because nits don’t die from suffocation, you’ll have to repeat the process or comb them out. (source)

3. Pesticides

As I mentioned earlier, about 99% of the lice found in the U.S. are resistant to one or more pesticides. For that reason – and because they’re likely to be toxic – I wouldn’t use most store bought or prescription treatments. However, the study I mentioned in #2 that examined the suffocation method also found that that botanical pesticides – also known as essential oils – seem to be very effective at killing lice. More on that below.

4. Degreasers

Certain enzyme soaps and substances like diatomaceous earth actually break down the exoskeletons of lice. More on that below.


In the video below, a professional “nitpicker” walks you through effective combing techniques for removing lice and nits.

Quick note: I personally would probably use coconut oil or olive oil instead of cream conditioner.

Pros: No toxins and it’s very affordable. (About $11)

Cons: You cannot miss even one egg, otherwise you’ll have another outbreak. Personally, I think this method is most effective if used in combination with one of the others below.


In this method, you first rinse the hair with apple cider vinegar to loosen the glue that holds the nits in place. Allow the vinegar to sit until the hair is fully dry, then coat the scalp and hair completely with coconut or olive oil to suffocate the lice. Pull all the hair into a shower cap and let the oil sit for at least eight hours. Remember, the little buggers can hold their breath for a long time.

When the time is up, you have the option of either shampooing to remove the oil, or combing the hair with a nit comb and then washing. You may need to shampoo more than once to get all the oil out. Make sure to wash and dry all the towels and clean out your comb. Also throw any sheets/pillowcases that have been slept on in the dryer for 20 minutes.

Pros: It’s non-toxic, and your hair will be exceptionally well-conditioned when the process is over.

Cons: Suffocation will kill the active lice, but it doesn’t affect nits, so you have to do it once per week for three weeks. This works because lice don’t lay eggs until they are about 10 days old, so if you treat every 7 days you’re eliminating their ability to reproduce. After the initial treatment, two more treatments spaced a week apart should do the trick. Just make sure to put pillowcases, sheets, towels, etc. in the dryer for 20 minutes after each use.


Some newer products use enzyme-based soaps that break down the exoskeleton of lice and kill nits. Certain products, such as Lice B Gone, are marketed specifically for lice.

Another option I’ve heard mentioned is diatomaceous earth. However, because it will dry out the scalp and hair – possibly to the point of making it brittle – I would only use it as a last resort. And even then, I’d take care to apply it to the scalp area and hair immediately surrounding the scalp instead of all of my hair.

Pros: Non-toxic and, in many cases, only one application is needed.

Cons: You may need to order the products if you can’t find them locally, and who wants to wait?


Salt and vinegar may work together to dehydrate and kill lice/nits. (source 1, source 2) To use, apply as a spray (1/4 cup salt dissolved in 1/4 cup warm vinegar) until the scalp/hair is wet. Allow the mixture to sit until the hair is fully dry, then coat the scalp and hair completely with coconut or olive oil. At this point, you can either leave it on for eight hours to suffocate and remaining living lice, or you can comb out the lice that have died from the saltwater solution immediately.

After combing, wash with shampoo as many times as needed to remove the oil, then wash and dry all the towels and clean out your comb. Also throw any sheets/pillowcases that have been slept on in the dryer for 20 minutes.

Pros: It’s non-toxic and may be faster than than the suffocation method (or you can use the two together).

Cons: There isn’t any formal research that backs this method, only stories from parents. However, it may be worth a shot.


In one study, a lotion that included 10% tea tree and 1% lavender oil was 97.6% effective in eliminating lice, while insecticides like pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide were only 25% effective. If I were to try to use a similar method at home, I would put 20 drops of tea tree oil in 2 teaspoons of shampoo, lather and let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse and comb with a nit comb.

Another study found that neem oil shampoo was very effective at killing both lice and nits, but I was unable to find any information regarding the concentration that was used. I did look around for general safety info regarding neem oil. Many sources say it should not be taken internally by children, but I found few references regarding topical use. One company suggested it should not be used in children under two “as a precautionary measure.” I also learned that children should never be given neem while sick because it contains a compound similar to aspirin that can trigger Reyes’ Syndrome.

So, you may be thinking . . .


Remember that with any of these methods, you need to immediately toss sheets, pillowcases and towels in the dryer for 20 minutes after use in order to kill any stragglers.

Via Top 10 Home Remedies: Home Remedies for Chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the virus known as varicella-zoster and spreads easily from one person to another.

This disease can spread through air or contact with saliva, mucus, or fluid from blisters of an infected individual. The infected person is contagious from a day or two before the rashes appear, until the time when all the blisters have dried.

It usually takes 10-21 days for the symptoms to develop the symptoms after being exposed to the virus. The most common symptoms are an itchy rash and red spots or blisters all over the body.

Other symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, and aching muscles. Because most people get vaccinated against chickenpox, it is most common among newborn babies, followed by pregnant women and people with weak immune systems.

Usually, the worst symptoms of chickenpox subside in about two weeks. However, you can try some natural remedies to alleviate some of the symptoms and get relief from itching as the virus takes its course.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for chickenpox.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda can help control the itchiness and irritation from chickenpox.

2. Indian Lilac

Indian lilac, also known as margosa or neem is useful in the treatment of chicken pox as it has antiviral properties. Furthermore, it helps dry out the blisters and relieves itching to a great extent.

Take a handful of neem leaves, crush them and apply the paste on the affected areas. Adding neem leaves in bath water is also beneficial.

3. Carrots and Coriander

A soup made of carrots and coriander is highly beneficial in the treatment of chickenpox. It is rich in antioxidants that help in the healing process.

  1. Cut up 100 grams of carrots to get about a cup of chopped carrots and chop 60 grams or one and one- half cup of fresh coriander leaves and boil them in about two and one-quarter cup of water until half the amount of water evaporates.
  2. Drink the soup once a day for about a month. You can also eat the boiled carrots and coriander leaves for added strength.

4. Oatmeal

An oatmeal bath is a popular home remedy for itchiness caused by chickenpox.

  1. Grind two cups of oatmeal into a fine powder.
  2. Put the powdered oatmeal in two liters (one-half gallon) of lukewarm water.
  3. Soak in the bathwater for 15 to 20 minutes.

5. Brown Vinegar

One of the most effective remedies for treating chicken pox is brown vinegar. It will relieve skin irritation and help heal the lesions and prevent scarring.

Simply add one-half cup of brown vinegar to lukewarm bathwater, and soak in the bath for about 10 to 15 minutes.

6. Honey

Honey will provide relief from itchiness and help heal the blisters caused by chickenpox.

  1. Get a good quality, pure honey and coat the affected area with it.
  2. Repeat the process two to three times a day until the scars are gone.

7. Herbal Tea

You can also try mild and sedative herbal tea made from herbs such as chamomile, holy basil, marigold and lemon balm.

  1. Put one tablespoon of any of these herbs in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for a few minutes and then strain it.
  2. Add a little cinnamon, honey and lemon juice and sip the tea slowly.
  3. Drink this herbal tea a few times a day for best results.

8. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is another effective remedy to reduce skin irritation and itching caused by chickenpox.

  • Dilute a little lavender essential oil with carrier oil like almond oil or coconut oil and apply it on the affected areas and leave it on until it dries. Repeat twice daily.
  • Another option is to add a few drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils in lukewarm water and soak in this bath for about 10 minutes.

9. Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil can be beneficial in the treatment of chickenpox sore due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It will also help fade chickenpox scars.

Simply add a few drops of pure sandalwood oil to a teaspoon of a carrier oil like almond oil and apply on the rashes. Do this regularly until all the sores and scars heal completely.

10. Calendula Flowers

Calendula, also known as marigold flowers can also be used to relieve the itching caused by chickenpox.

  1. Put two tablespoons of calendula flowers and one teaspoon of witch hazel leaves in a cup of water and let it sit overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Apply the paste directly on the rashes.
  4. Rinse it off when it dries completely.

Additional Tips

  • During early stages of this disease, include figs in your diet.
  • Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Eat more vitamin C rich foods.
  • To reduce the appearance of scars, apply vitamin E oil on the affected areas when they start healing.
  • Avoid scratching the sores as it can cause slow healing and increase the risk of bacterial infection. If your child just can’t stop scratching then trim your child’s fingernails short to reduce the risk of infection.
  • As prevention is always the best cure, make sure you get your child vaccinated for chicken pox.

Chickenpox is usually a mild illness that improves with time. But if you or your child become seriously ill with chickenpox, consult a doctor.

Via Healthline: Home Remedies for Bee Stings

What happens when a bee stings you?

Fast facts

  1. Honeybees are the only type of bee that die after they sting.
  2. When a bee stings you, it leaves a behind a venomous toxin that can cause pain and other symptoms.
  3. Most bee stings can be treated at home.

For most people, a bee sting is just a nuisance. You may experience temporary sharp pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and itching at the sting site, but no serious complications. If you’re allergic to bees, or you get stung multiple times, bee stings can be more problematic. They can even be life-threatening.

When a honeybee stings you, its stinger is released into your skin. This ultimately kills the honeybee. Honeybees are the only type of bee that die after they sting. Wasps and other species don’t lose their stingers. They may sting you more than once.

If a bee stings you, it leaves a behind a venomous toxin that can cause pain and other symptoms. Some people are allergic to this toxin. Mild allergic reactions may cause extreme redness and increased swelling at the sting site.

Severe allergic reactions may cause:

  • hives
  • pale skin
  • severe itching
  • swelling of the tongue and throat
  • difficulty breathing
  • rapid pulse
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • loss of consciousness

If you have any signs of a severe reaction to a bee sting, get emergency help. You may be experiencing anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Home remedies for bee stings

Unless you’re allergic to bees or experiencing signs of a severe allergic reaction, you can treat most bee stings at home. If a honeybee stings you, remove the stinger immediately with the edge of your fingernail or the edge of a credit card. This helps curb the amount of toxins released into your skin. Wash the sting site with soap and water. Icing the sting site is the most effective way to reduce venom absorption. It also can also help reduce swelling.

Most home treatments for bee sting symptoms aren’t supported by scientific research. Yet they’ve been passed down for generations. These home remedies may help relieve bee sting symptoms:


Honey may help with wound healing, pain, and itching. To treat bee stings with honey, apply a small amount to the affected area. Cover with a loose bandage and leave on for up to an hour.

Baking soda

A paste made of baking soda and water can help neutralize bee venom to reduce pain, itching, and swelling. Apply a thick layer of baking soda paste to the affected area. Cover the paste with a bandage. Leave on for at least 15 minutes and re-apply as needed.

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar may also help neutralize bee venom. Soak the sting site in a basin of apple cider vinegar for at least 15 minutes. You can also soak a bandage or cloth in the vinegar and then apply it to the sting site.


It’s unclear why toothpaste can help bee stings. Some people claim that alkaline toothpaste neutralizes acidic honeybee venom. If true, however, toothpaste won’t work on alkaline wasp venom. Either way, toothpaste is an inexpensive and easy home remedy to try. Simply dab a bit on the affected area.

Meat tenderizer

An enzyme in meat tenderizer called papain is also believed to help break down the protein that causes pain and itching. To treat a bee sting this way, make a solution of one-part meat tenderizer and four-parts water. Apply to the sting site for up to 30 minutes.

Wet aspirin tablet

A popular home remedy for reducing the pain and swelling of a bee sting is to apply a wet aspirin or aspirin paste to the sting site. Results of one 2003 study showed that applying aspirin topically to bee stings or wasp stings actually increased redness and didn’t decrease the duration of swelling or pain compared to using ice alone.

Herbs and oils

These herbs have wound-healing properties and may help relieve symptoms of a bee sting:

  • Aloe vera is known for soothing the skin and relieving pain. If you have an aloe vera plant, break off a leaf and squeeze the gel directly onto the affected area.
  • Calendula cream is an antiseptic used to heal minor wounds and ease skin irritation. Apply the cream directly to the sting site and cover with a bandage.
  • Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory abilities and can help relieve swelling. Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil, such a coconut or olive oil. Dab a few drops of the mixture onto the sting site.
  • Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and may ease bee sting pain. Mix with a carrier oil and apply a drop to the sting site.
  • Witch hazel is a tried-and-true herbal remedy for insect bites and bee stings. It can help reduce inflammation, pain, and itching. Apply witch hazel directly to the bee sting as needed.

Traditional treatments for bee stings

Bee stings are traditionally treated with ice or cold compresses to help reduce pain and swelling. Anti-inflammatories such as Motrin or Advil may also help. You can treat itching and redness with hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion. If itching and swelling are severe, taking an oral antihistamine such as Benadryl may bring relief.

To reduce your risk of infection, don’t scratch the sting site. Scratching can intensify itching, swelling, and redness.

If you’ve had anaphylactic shock after a bee sting in the past, you’ll need to carry an EpiPen with you at all times. If you’re stung again, using the EpiPen may prevent a severe allergic reaction.

When to see a doctor

Most bee stings don’t require a call to your doctor. If you experience any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, hives, or dizziness, call your local emergency services. Don’t attempt to drive yourself to the emergency room.

If you used your EpiPen in response to the sting, you should see your doctor. Seek emergency help if you’ve been stung multiple times. Call your doctor if your bee sting symptoms don’t improve after a few days.

The bottom line

Bee stings can be painful, whether you’re allergic to bees or not. If a bee stings you, try to remain calm. Chances are you’ll be just fine. Bee allergies can occur at any time in your life, even if you’ve been stung before and not had an allergic reaction. It’s important to take note of your symptoms.

If you know you’ll be spending time outdoors, take these steps to reduce your risk of a bee sting:

  • Don’t walk around barefoot outside.
  • Leave beehives alone.
  • Don’t wear sweet-smelling perfume, hair products, or body products.
  • Don’t wear bright colors or clothes with flowery prints.
  • Cover your food.
  • Don’t drive with your windows down.
  • Don’t drink from open soda cans.
  • Stay away from uncovered garbage cans.