This summer, are you letting your young kids swimming at pools?

Water safety for kids is an extremely critical issue for parents to pay attention at especially when they have young children at home.

If you are keen to keep your kids safe while you enjoy your family time at the pool, here are some pool and water safety tips that you need know.

Watch this video now for the best tips from Kimberlee Mitchell, a Child Safety Expert to ensure the safety of your kids swimming at any pool!

What are the best pool safety tips that you practice? Share it with us in the comments section below now!

Did you know that there are tens of thousands of kids go missing in USA each year?

A study of attempted child abductions has found that in 84%of the cases, the abducted child was able to escape thanks to their own actions, with 35% of them actively resisting and 49%running away.

To keep your kids safe, it is of utmost priority for parents to educate their kids and themselves about child abduction and some basic safety tips for kids.

If you are looking for ways to educate your kids on the basic abduction safety tips, here is a video for you.

Check out this video now for the basic safety tips for kids and parents in case of abduction.

Happy Zoo Lover’s Day!

Visiting the zoo is such an exciting event for kids! Seeing the animal in real life which was taught to them in books or even on screen would get most of the kids hyped and excited.

If you are planning on a zoo trip with your kids today, it is important to educate your kids on the zoo safety rules and some safety tips for kids to keep your kids safe throughout your exciting trip.

Here are some zoo safety tips for kids that you would need to take note of before bringing your kids to the zoo.

Via Love and Marriage Blog: 10 Must Know Tips to Keep Your Child Safe At The Zoo

With the recently terrifying incident at the Cincinnati Zoo, you may be a parent who is wondering how to keep your child safe at the zoo. I don’t blame you. I have been, too. To find out as much as I could about keeping your child safe when you take them on a trip to see the animals at the zoo, I’ve done some digging at a number of sites that offer safety information from the experts.

How to Keep Your Child Safe at the Zoo

1. Don’t hold your kids in a dangerous position so they can get a better look.

You may think you have a tight grip on your kiddo, but it’s better safe than sorry. (A parent did this at a zoo & their child fell into a Cheetah exhibit.) For goodness sake, DON’T let your kids sit on the zoo fences or walls.

2. Teach your children not to tease the animals.

You shouldn’t trust that a piece of thick glass will always hold. There have been instances of cracked glass at zoos in the past. No matter the danger of cracked glass, teaching your child to be respectful of animals is just the right parenting decision.

3. Read and follow the zoo signs.

If a sign says not to feed an animal, don’t. If a sign tells you to stay back, do so. It is your responsibility to follow the rules so that your kids are safe.

4. If your child mentions wanting to go in the enclosure, take it seriously.

Children are often mesmerized by the animals, but also by the enclosures themselves. They often look like fun swimming pools are exciting places to play. When your child tells you they want to go in let that sound a caution alarm for you.

5. Create a learning opportunity about wild animals before you visit.

Your kids have stuffed animals at home. They watch cartoons and nature shows. Those things are fine, but they may ultimately teach kids that all animals are friendly, snugly and harmless. Spending some time teaching them about wild animals prior to your trip to the zoo is important.

6. Keep your kids close & accounted for at all times.

While you may find it appalling to use a child harness or a backpack with a harness, I personally would rather see a child safely attached to Mom or Dad than to see them on the news at the bottom of an enclosure. Hand holding is great, but kids have a knack for wrangling away. If your child is too big for a harness, you must be extra vigilant. Have a talk prior to your visit about your rules and make sure they know if they aren’t followed you’ll have to leave.

7. Stop with the photos.

If you’re distracted because you’re taking pictures or selfies or videos, you’re not being a responsible parent. Focus on making memories, not on documenting your outing for Facebook.

8. Focus on the educational benefit of a zoo outing.

Talk to your kids about the animals. Read them the signs. Take every opportunity to impart a love of wild animals so that when they grow up, they’ll carry that love with them.

9. Tell kids you are visitors in the animals’ home.

This is where animals live and kids need to know they are to be respectful visitors. You wouldn’t want a lion tapping on your bedroom window and yelling at you, would you?

10. Visit the zoo’s website before your trip.

There is always lots of helpful information about rules and regulations as well as info about the animals your child will get to see. As a parent you’ll also want to know where the first aid office is, where the bathrooms are, and whether you’re allowed to bring water or snacks inside the zoo.

No matter your feelings about whether animals should be in zoos at all, you can be a great teacher and a great example for your kids about loving, respecting and protecting wild animals. Just be safe while you’re doing it!

St. Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is an Irish celebration that is held on the 17th of March every year.

It was first started as an official Christian feast day to honor Saint Patrick and the emergence of Christianity in Ireland. St Patrick’s Day in today’s world however has evolved into a variety of festivals around the world celebrating the Irish culture with music, dancing, special food, parades and a whole lot of green.

If you are wondering how you should celebrate St Patrick’s Day for kids, try getting them to read the books about St. Patrick’s Day, going on a St Patrick’s Day Parade with them and getting them involved in St. Patrick’s Day Crafts!

Check out the following article now for the kids’ safety tips before you bring them to the St Patrick’s Day Parade.

Via Magic Mum: Heading to the St. Patrick’s Day parade? Keep these toddler safety tips in mind

Taking young children out to crowded places can be a little overwhelming – with so many people around the chances of them running off and going missing are significantly increased.

However, this doesn’t mean you should miss out on fun days, so long as you are careful and safe.

To keep your little one safe while attending a parade or crowded event, bear the following seven things in mind.

1. Write your contact number on their arm and clothes

The more places you write your own name and contact number on your child, the easier it will be to find should your tot go missing. You should always write it on their jacket and jumper in permanent marker, and on their arm or hand in pen.

2. Have a meeting point

While you may think that they are too young to understand what a meeting location is, you should ALWAYS show them where to go if they do get lost. This way you can run to check there first is they wander off.

3. Dress them in bright colours

If your child is wearing the same colours as everyone else in the crowd (like green) they will be really hard to spot. To stop this, dress them in a bright hat and coat so that you can see them from far away.

4. Pop them in a buggy or carrier

If you can pop your toddler into a back carrier, this will save you having to bring the buggy and you will always know where they are. If you aren’t able to manage this, make sure you bring their buggy and ensure they are securely strapped in.

5. Get there early

The earlier you get there the better spot you will find. This can mean you can set up a camp-type area which will save you having to wander around looking for a good spot – this is when kids get lost.

6. Invest in a good harness

If you know your little one won’t sit in their buggy for long periods of time, then you should invest in a harness that you can control so they can’t run away. Go for one that slips over their arms rather than just their wrist so it won’t come off easily.

7. Take a photo of them before you leave the house

A precautionary measure, this way you’ll have a photo of what they are wearing that day – important if the worst should happen.