Mummy’s note:

Such an eye opener video. Let’s try to understand from their point of view.

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a complicated mental health condition commonly affecting children. Numerous reports have estimated that approximately 5% – 8% of school-age kids are affected by ADHD.

It is important for parents of children with ADHD to find out what is ADHD in children to help them understand their kids better.

The signs and symptoms of ADHD differ from one child to child and are difficult to identify at times.

We might recognize kids with ADHD through their tendency to not listen or follow instructions, blurt out improper remarks at improper times or being hyperactive.

However, that does not give parents the complete understanding about ADHD.

Check out this video now to understand what is ADHD in children from the affected children’s perspectives.