via sheknows: Storytelling is a great skill to teach to kids. It helps improve their language skills, instills a love of reading and stirs their imagination. Here are seven ways to teach your kids how to tell stories.

Instill the love of storytelling
Storytelling is a great skill to teach to kids. It helps to improve their language skills, instills a love of reading and stirs their imagination. Here are seven ways to teach your kids how to tell stories.
Research suggests that the fear of speaking in public is the second greatest fear that adults have. Getting kids comfortable with speaking in front of audiences at an early age is just one benefit of teaching kids how to tell stories, says Christine French Cully, editor-in-chief of Highlights. Other benefits of teaching children the art of storytelling include building their confidence, improving their writing skills and instilling a love of reading, she says.

Here are seven ways you can teach your kids the art of storytelling.

Expose them to good storytelling

Local libraries often bring in storytellers.

“Many professional storytellers make and sell recordings, and they often appear at festivals and other cultural events,” Cully says. “Some areas also offer classes.”

Let them choose their story

Expose kids to a great number of short books and magazine short stories, and let them choose to learn to tell the one they love the most, Cully says.

“They won’t give it their all if they don’t really get a kick out of the story,” she says.

If you’re going to have children memorize the text, Cully suggests that you look for stories that don’t rely on illustrations to fill in the gaps.

“Stories that are cumulative or include a repetitive refrain, which invites audience participation, work well,” she says. “The stories should also be complete — with a beginning, middle and end — and they should make the audience laugh, cry or feel fear or sadness.”

Have fun with “string-a-long stories”

Practicing telling stories in any form is helpful, and the more fun you have while practicing, the more effective it will likely be for learning. So says Dr. Alice Wilder, chief content officer for Speakaboos. One fun activity is telling a string-a-long story, which can be done with any number of people.

“The story starter can be, ‘Once upon a time…,’ but just be sure that the person whose turn it is to tell the next part of the story says something that connects to the line before,” Wilder says. “Telling string-a-long stories, like Mad Libs, helps you understand various parts of stories and makes you use your imagination and think about what might come next.”

Be expressive

Help kids see the need to throw their whole body into storytelling.

“Good storytelling uses body language, expression in their voices, varying volume — yes, they have permission to be loud — a sense of pacing and eye contact with their listeners,” Cully says. “Some teachers I know have their children practice staring into one another’s eyes to get comfortable making eye contact.”

Try wordless books

A blank piece of paper can be intimidating, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

“The value of a wordless picture book is that it provides a setting, characters and some visual cues to inspire the imagination,” Wilder says.

Practice, practice, practice

Children will become more comfortable with storytelling by practicing in front of a mirror or videotaping themselves telling their stories.

“Practice in front of a few other kids or family is helpful, too, particularly if the audience can be coached to give gentle, constructive feedback,” Cully says.

Practice makes memorization of the story easier, too, she says.

“But practice doesn’t always make perfect, and that’s OK,” she says.

Remember, this is supposed to be fun, so Cully says you should reassure the children that if they forget a part or get a little tongue-tied, it’s all right.

Take a class

Check your local community to see whether acting, writing or illustration classes are available for kids. Many municipalities, libraries and art-education groups will offer classes that not only teach kids about how to tell an interesting story but also help them step out of their comfort zone to expand their imagination.

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via LifeHackz: The organic berries are beneficial for the overall health. They are full of vitamins, but can you double the healthy effect? Believe it or not, but you can do that. According to some studies if you freeze the berries that is not bad, but quite the opposite it is even better, and they are much healthier to consume.

via Teach Kids How: Giving and receiving compliments belongs to a class of social skills involving graciousness. Teaching your child how to give and receive a compliment will help them to appreciate others and to feel appreciated as well.

Sincerity is the key to giving compliments. Voicing your favorable perception or reaction to someone or something is usually best simply stated. A true compliment comes from the giver’s heart and impacts the receiver’s heart. Compliments are often remembered long after they are spoken. They can lift, heal, and inspire great things.


A baby shows her approval and delight with her whole body. Hearing Dad come through the door after work causes hard-to-miss excitement. Eyes are shining and face is beaming with wordless appreciation for Dad’s arrival.

As children grow, they begin to add words to their expression. If they hear loving, appreciative words they will begin to speak the language of appreciation. They will be accustomed to being complimented and eventually will begin giving compliments.

Toddlers are praised and encouraged for each new milestone. Parents and grandparents usually shower them with heartfelt compliments. As a child grows, they will begin to receive compliments from family, friends and strangers. They may react with shyness or even indifference. This is normal and part of the reason parents need to teach young children to receive compliments politely.

Preschoolers should never be forced to say “Thank you” after a compliment. Mom or Dad can say it for them if they have not begun to follow the modeling done by parents. Another option would be to smile or nod to the giver on your child’s behalf. Eventually children will thank the giver for the compliment. But that sometimes doesn’t happen until they are around 4 or 5 or even later.

Main points to address:

  • Children who hear compliments will eventually begin to say “Thank you”.
  • Never force a child to acknowledge a compliment.
  • Normal shyness may prevent children from responding positively to compliments. It is okay to say it for them until they are a little older.

Grades K-3rd

Young school age children are ready to be taught to thank the giver of a compliment. Begin with family members, gently reminding your child to thank them. Saying perhaps, “This is when we say thank you.” Or you could try asking gently, “Would you like to say thank you for that nice compliment?” Again, there is no need to force. Suggesting is enough at this age.

When children are about 7 or 8 they become more aware of social conventions and rules of conduct. More explicit direction is possible now. Practicing or role playing manners is fun at this age. Role-playing giving and in turn receiving a compliment will be a pleasurable way to get the message across. Have your child direct you in an appropriate response to a compliment.

A fun activity to teach this social grace is to write scenarios on squares of paper then fold them and put them in a jar. Take turns picking them from the jar and playing them out, alternating being the giver and receiver. The more the merrier if you have more than one child! You will be surprised at the carryover into “real life”.

If you know you will be taking your child to an event where they are likely to be complimented, you may want to remind them of manners generally and accepting compliments specifically. Many adults, especially childless ones, are offended if a child does not respond positively to a compliment. Let your child know it is okay to simply smile if they feel uncomfortable speaking. Your child’s feelings should be respected.

On the other hand, a child should be corrected if they are rude when a compliment is given. Gently remind them in private that everyone has feelings and it is better to say nothing than say something unkind in return for a compliment.

Main points to address:

  • School aged children can be taught how to receive and give compliments.
  • Practice this by role playing.
  • If your child is too shy to respond to a compliment, tell them it is okay to simply smile.
  • Correct rudeness in private by suggesting a more positive response.

Grade 4-6th

Children 9 to 12 are very socially conscious. They enjoy receiving and giving compliments. Because they have watched and heard people interacting for a decade or so, they will probably follow the example and teaching you have given.

This is the age when your suggestions for appropriate responses to others will be well-received. Notice their successful encounters with others by noting the specific social grace they employed. Reflect back to them their sincerity or kind choice of words. Praise, as long as it is not overdone is a good reinforcement for positive behavior.

If you wait too long to teach your child to give and receive compliments, you may find they resist your teaching and advice.
Older adolescents and teens have built-in radar for insincerity and may not respond at all to a compliment if they doubt the giver’s motives!

If you have taught your child to respond to folks in a thoughtful and courteous way, giving and receiving compliments will become a natural way of responding to others. Just remember you may not see the true fruits of your instruction until they are grown. In the meantime, trust that you have done your job!

Main Points to Address:

  • Children this age are receptive to instruction on social graces
  • Notice successful encounters with others by complimenting your child
  • Trust that your child has learned what you have taught even though there may not be much proof as yet!

via Education Channel: The #digitalization is not just about the new technology, but it is a way through which technology can be used effectively.

With the help of the digital Revolution which is also known as the third industrial revolution, many things were introduced to mankind.

One of the best technologies which were introduced by the digital Revolution or the third industrial revolution is the internet.

Do you know that you can be happier and healthier by eating MORE vegetables?

Yes, we all know that eating more vegetables is a good thing, but many people still prefer to have more servings of meat and fewer servings of vegetables, which is really not recommended.

In this video, MOMmy from Energise Kids will be sharing with you many interesting reasons why we need to increase our vegetable intake and why we need these health savers to be a priority in our diets.