Grow Your Own Vegetables

During the last decades there has been a change towards mechanization and homogenization of farming, which uses pesticides, additives, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and mass-production techniques. All these are clearly affecting mankind’s health, and new diseases are spreading rapidly amongst humans and animals (bird’s flu being the most recent one). Hence, ensuring that kids nutrition is being taken care of is a task that is easily said, but difficult to be done.

The World Health Organization produces reports to show how the use of chemicals and other products on food, coupled with the manufacturing processes involved, are actually a threat for our health and a threat for our kids nutrition

If you have space for a few pots or even a small piece of land, it is a wise decision to grow your own organic vegetable garden. Today I’m presenting you with seven reasons for doing this:

Grow Your Own Vegetable

1. You will have no additives in your vegetables. Research by organic food associations has shown that additives in our food can cause heart diseases, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity.

2. There will be no pesticides or synthetic fertilizers used. These chemical products are applied to obtain crops all the time regardless plagues or weather conditions, and affect the quality as well as the nutrition of the vegetables. Besides, pesticides are usually poisonous to humans.

3. Your vegetables will not be genetically modified (GM). Antibiotics, drugs and hormones are used on vegetables to grow more and larger ones. One of the consequences of this practice are vegetables which look all the same and are usually tasteless. Besides, we end up consuming the vegetables with zero nutrition and the hormones that have been used on the vegetables, with the potential risks for our health.

4. Eating your own organic vegetables will be much more healthy for you. They will not contain any of the products or chemicals named above, and they will be much more natural than any ones you would find at the supermarket. Because you will then know that nothing has been added to your vegetables, your health will not be at risk. Most importantly, the kids nutrition can be well taken care of.  

5. Your own organic vegetables will be much more tasty. The use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics and hormones make vegetables grow unnaturally and take the taste away from them. With organic vegetables, your cooking will be enhanced as their flavour will show fully.

6. Organic farming is friendly to the environment. Because you won’t use pesticides or other equally harming products on your vegetables, you will not damage the soil or the air with the chemical components.

7. When you grow your own organic vegetables you are contributing to your own self-sustainability and the sustainability of the planet. Small communities have been founded where members exchange products that they grow naturally, thus contributing to create a friendly and better place for us all.

Grow Your Own Organic Vegetables

In the end, eating organic products only means that we do not add anything else to them than they would naturally have. As you can guess, additives, hormones, fertilizers or pesticides are not components of naturally grown food. To better care for your health, grown your own organic vegetables -and a few pots is all you need.

Antibiotics, hormones and drugs are used on vegetables to grow more and larger ones. We end up consuming the hormones that have been used on the vegetables, with the potential risks for our health.

The use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics and hormones make vegetables grow unnaturally and take the taste away from them. Because you won’t use pesticides or other equally harming products on your vegetables, you will not damage the soil or the air with the chemical components.

To better care for your health and your kids nutrition, grow your own organic vegetables and a few pots is all you need.

Best weight loss programs for teens 

Overweight not only hampers the health of adults, but it is injurious to teens and kids as well. Hence, if you are in the teen ages and feel troubled by those extra kilos around your waist, don’t wait any further to embrace a suitable weight loss programs for teens that you think works well for your body. Get the act together today itself! Given below are few invaluable teen weight loss tips, as seen in many of the best weight loss programs for teens prescribed by expert nutritionists, which could help you to take the fight to your foe – over weight.

Overweight – in a very basic level – is caused due to excessive consumption of food. Hence the best weight loss programs for teens must have a suggestion to control the daily intake of food, especially fatty and oily victuals. Also take care to avoid milk products, all sorts of junk foods and artificial drinks.

Another aspect that most best weight loss programs for teens suggests is to drink lots of water and incorporate fruits, raw vegetables, and fibrous foods into the diet. It is vital in balancing the nutrient content in the body caused due to the reduction in the normal intake (assuming you are following the first suggestion as such).

Replace your normal snacks – such as a packet of chips or potato wafers – with something that is healthier to your system. That is, substitute your chips or other fat and oil rich snacks with something like frozen grapes, cherry tomatoes, baby carrot or low-fat pudding or yogurt, instead.

Take few hours every day to workout in the gym or spend some time running or playing your favorite sport. Such physical activities could burn away those extra calories from under your skin. In fact this is the most important step one could find in all the best weight loss programs for teens suggested by experts.

But, the most important of all the suggestions is that you must nurture a strong will to follow the diet program, you choose, religiously. Else, no best weight loss programs for teens could help you bring down your weight. Yes, it can be hard work, but the end result is worth the pain you endure during the process. Good Luck!

Did you know that simply eating breakfast raises your metabolism by 10 percent? Oatmeal is one of the most powerful breakfast foods of them all. If you are looking to get your body in great shape, you should incorporate this as a staple food in your diet.

Oatmeal is the perfect meal to start your day because it boosts your energy and has plenty of fiber to keep you full and satisfied. Oatmeal breaks down slowly in the stomach, giving you long-lasting energy. It is also full of water-soluble fibers, which play a crucial role in making you feel full over a longer period of time. Studies have also shown that oatmeal reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels and fights against heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and obesity.

Benefits of oatmeal

If you want to add some powerful antioxidants to your oatmeal, simply throw on some blueberries and raspberries. These delicious fruits are packed with antioxidants that fight against heart disease, cancer, and a multitude of other ailments. Blueberries have also been proven to preserve vision. This powerful fruit rated highest in antioxidants among over 40 fruits and vegetables.

What more could you ask out of the first meal of your day? However, oatmeal doesn’t just have to be for breakfast. You can use it a couple hours before you exercise to energize your workout. You can even include oatmeal in your smoothies. It is also a wonderful addition to muffins and even as a covering for chicken breasts.

Keep in mind that you must buy the unsweetened, unflavored variety. To spice it up a little, you can use bananas, berries, or milk. The downfall of pre-flavored oatmeal is that it often comes loaded with sugar calories. So, stick to the good stuff.

If you’re looking for oatmeal with a little more texture, you can try out the steel-cut oat variety. Although this type does take a little longer to cook, I find that it is well worth the wait. They have a somewhat chewier texture and heartier flavor than rolled oats. Once you try this variety, you may never go back.

If your having trouble with late night binges, have a bowl of oatmeal instead. This will help squash your cravings. Not to mention, you’ll be avoiding any junk food or empty calories.

If your looking to get in the best shape of your life, I suggest your alternate your morning meals between oatmeal on one day and have eggs and meat on another. This will put your fat-burning into overdrive.

Obesity is a condition that can shorten your life and can seriously affect you mentally and physically. It often has its roots in childhood. Obesity in children is growing at a frighteningly fast rate. There are more obese children now than ever before. Parents are letting their carelessness with their own diets spill over into their children’s lives.

Kids Obesity

Here are a few points to think about when trying to prevent obesity and health problems for your children.

Small children are normally energetic and often require snacks in-between meals. It is most important to choose healthy snacks for your children.

Alternative snacks can include:

  • Vegetable snacks like carrot sticks and celery boats are a good and fun alternative to chips and “junk food” snacks.
  • Fruit can be substituted for candies and sugar snacks.

Can we control kids obesity?

Soda and sugar snacks like candy produce hyperactivity in many young children and will sow the seeds for problems later in life. It also leads to dental problems and the beginnings of obesity. It is good to keep these foods in check and use alternatives if possible. Sugar is a known addictive food in that the more you eat the more you want to eat. This can quickly escalate into a serious eating problem and can lead to obesity as the body stores excess sugar as fat.

Breakfast cereals are perhaps the biggest problems in children’s diets. Everyone is in a hurry in the morning and it is easy to reach for the cereal packet for a quick family breakfast. However be careful of these presweetened cereals as they give unnecessary large amounts of sugar to your child’s system laying the grounds for sugar addiction. Now there are many alternatives to presweetened cereals. There are many good tasting “healthy” cereals providing added fiber and less if any sugar. These are good for your children as they will provide them with a much more nutritious breakfast and not just fill them up with sugar and excess carbohydrates.

Fast food habits also begin when children are quite small. This is reinforced by extensive TV advertising and propaganda for these foods. It is almost inbred in us to eat hamburgers chips and other fast food. Children have an inborn liking for these foods and can easily become quite addicted to them. It is wise to try to keep these foods in limit, as they are not the healthiest foods to eat, especially for children who are growing and need nutritious foods to develop properly.

Good eating habits begin when children are very young. It can start from the time they first start to eat. It is very important to a child’s health to start good eating habits at a young age. It is possible to lay the foundations of good and healthy eating habits when children are still quite small. It is just a question of educating ourselves and passing on good habits to our children. When you do this you reduce the possibility of obesity in your children and all the mental and physical risks involved.

Kid’s Food Pyramid

The key to having a good and healthy child is that you are well aware of the kids’ food pyramid. You need to make sure that whatever you are feeding your child is nutritious and comes from the five food groups. According to nutritionists, the food from the food groups is to be served in a given proportion throughout the day. If your child will eat a well balanced life, it will improve their physical and mental health.

Five Food Groups

You must be thinking what the five food groups are. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. Vegetables and Beans: This should take up the largest part of your plate and you should encourage your child to eat it with every meal. The reason why they are recommended by nutritionists is that they are a good source of vitamins, fibers, and minerals that help a growing child.
  2. Lean meat, fish, eggs, and seeds: Our body needs constant protein in order to make adrenaline and hemoglobin. In addition to this, it builds and repairs our organs, tissues, and muscles.
  3. Grains: Avoid taking refined versions and always opt for wholegrain version of rice, bread, noodles, and cereals.
  4. Fruit: It is an excellent source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins that help our body to stay healthy and strengthens our immune system.
  5. Dairy: It is an excellent source of calcium that helps in keeping the bones strong. Make sure your child drinks milk every day.

How Often You Should Eat and What

You have just learnt about the kids’ food pyramid but how should you be eating these foods? Let’s have a look:

Eat Frequently

There are some foods that you should be eating frequently. These include the following:

  • Beans and lentils
  • Breads
  • Cereals such as rice and pasta
  • Fruit and vegetables


The reason why you need to eat these frequently is that they are rich in minerals, fibers, and vitamins. Don’t just pick one kind of food, but eat all of them.

Eat Sometimes

These are the foods that you and your kids should be eating in a small proportion every once in a while:

  • Chicken (without skin)
  • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Nuts


These foods are an excellent source of protein, which we need to repair tissues and keep healthy.

Eat Once In a While

These are the foods that have a very high sugar content but next to no minerals, fibers, and vitamins. These are considered ‘extras’ and one serving once in a while is more than enough.

  • Cake or muffin (1 medium piece)
  • Chocolate coated bars (1 bar)
  • Crisps (one small bag)
  • Ice cream (2 scoops)
  • Lollies or chocolate (one piece or one small bar)
  • Sweet biscuits (2 small)

The reason why we categorize these foods in a kids’ food pyramid is because of how often they should be eaten. The ‘Eat Frequently’ foods are at the bottom of the pyramid, the ‘Eat Sometimes’ food in the middle, whereas the ‘Eat Once In a While’ are at the top of the pyramid.


Dental health for kids is a very important part of hygiene, which is the reason why we need to guide our children from a very young age about dental care and hygiene.  One of the best ways to get started is to build a routine and ask your children to follow it as that will keep them away from oral health issues, cavities, and tooth decay. Here are a few tips that will help you out for sure:

teaching-kids-about-oral-hygieneTeach Them about Proper Oral Hygiene

You need get started at a very young age. If your child is an infant, you can use a soft bristle brush to clean their gums. If they are getting their first teeth, be very vigilant about their dental hygiene and clean their mouth with a damp wash cloth after every meal.

Be Gentle

Baby Skin is very soft, so you need to use a soft bristle brush and use only a thin layer of fluoridated toothpaste. Remember that dental health for kids is important from a very young age.

Teach Your Child How To Brush

Once your child perfects their pincer grasp that is generally around the time they turn two or three, start teaching them how to brush. Get them a small toothbrush and only apply a pea sized amount of toothpaste. Teach them to gently brush their teeth and tongue. They should to brush independently once they turn five or six. Flossing is an important aspect of dental hygiene, so you can introduce that once they are seven or eight.

Avoid Sugar

Don’t go overboard with the sugar because that increases the chances of tooth decay. Teach your child to brush their teeth after every sugary snack because this will improve their oral hygiene.

Fight Tooth Decay

Your main aim should be to fight tooth decay from a very young age, which is why mothers are advised to avoid letting their child sleep with a bottle that is filled with anything other than water. Cut back on the sippy cup too because using it too much also causes dental problems.

Take Them to a Dentist

Once your baby gets all their teeth, which is around their first birthday, you should take them to a dentist. It is important to make them realize that dental hygiene is very important and the dentist helps us in taking care of our teeth. You can even ask your dentist to teach you about proper dental care, how to avoid tooth decay, and can ask them to inspect your child for cavities.


Keep Away the Cavities

You should talk to your dentist about fluoride applications and dental sealants to keep your child’s teeth safe and oral hygiene intact. The sealants prevent food from being stuck in the teeth and the fluoride prevents the enamel from decaying.

Childproof the House

You might know this, but there are several studies about dental health for kids that prove that children under the age of 7 get half of their dental injuries inside their house and most of them are injured by a piece of furniture. Thus, make sure that you keep an eye on the little ones to keep them away from the dental injuries of all kinds.

In conclusion, here is how you can take care of the dental health of kids.

picky eater toddler

picky eater toddler

You don’t have a picky eater? Don’t count your blessings just yet. The earlier you know that this is common and it is just part of a developmental stage and learn to accept it the better. They are just exerting control over their environment and expressing concern about trusting the unfamiliar. Some kids won’t eat food of a certain colour (mostly greens), others eat the same food daily and won’t even try anything new making the effort of feeding healthy food challenging to even the most patient parents in the world.

The key here is not to give up. Take the queue from commercials and advertisements for junk food, how they repetitively appear in our faces countless times daily with attractive colourful packaging and the catchiest jingles. More often than not, we find ourselves wanting to try it. While children don’t expect parents to break out into musicals during meal, it takes most children 8-10 exposures of new food before they are able to “buy” into it.

So let’s avoid mealtime battles and try some of these tips for a win-win for all.

  • Offer only one new food at a time when they are hungry but well rested.
  • Present it in a fun way, so that it is an experience rather than a command. For example, cutting it into fun shapes or if they are old enough you can get them to help in preparing their meal.
  • Monkey see monkey do. Be prepared to eat what you serve. Children love to emulate.
  • Limit beverages to the end of the meal preferably out of sight out of reach. Picky eaters often fill up on liquids instead.
  • Creatively incorporate the new healthy food with their favorite foods to increase acceptance.

Keep trying new options but don’t force them. Give our Healthy Chicken Nuggets recipe a try!

Good luck and never give up!